Chapter 47: Letters and a Diary

After his breakfast, Rodion had nothing to do. He woke up late so he missed joining his family for breakfast. He hadn't seen Viktor, too. It was a perfect time to play since he had free time before he visited the prince.

With nothing to do, he decided to go back to the secret room in his studio room. Upon arriving, he made sure to lock the door. He then headed straight to the door leading to the secret room. 

This whole room feels so old… This manor must be so old also.

He went back to the table and once again scanned through the old canvases. It was all of Prince Nikolai's portrait with phrases and poems written on its back. He read some of them.

"My love for you is like the whole ocean, and I am drowning in it.

But I want to go deeper, swim deeper, and let this love for you kill me.

Because I would rather die loving you than live and forget about you."