A Leash and The Arena

Agnes POV 

"I do not like them tamed. Things are too boring that way," said Cyrus, then turning to me he said, "do keep your head down, you are disrespecting my subjects by looking at them." 

Before I dropped my head down in compliance I was satisfied to see Adrianna's features falter at being referred to as a subject. 

"Having your scarf around her neck makes it look like she's your woman and not your slave," I heard her say. 

"Is there a problem with that?" Cyrus quizzed. 

"It misrepresents the court, a mere human slave is not worthy of your scarf," said she. 

"Is there anyone who is?" he asked with a sarcastic tone; it was like mild but it was still there. 

"Your Luna would be," she said.

"Agatha is dead; there is no other woman worthy." 

A strange silence fell on the court after this. It was as though Cyrus had mentioned a forbidden name or rather Adrianna had steered the conversation into unpleasant territory. 

"Agatha is dead and the throne sits without a heir."

"Adrianna don't…" it was a plea and a warning in all. 

"You will attend the soiree I am hosting tomorrow, yes?" She changed the topic effortlessly and the room breathed a sigh of relief. 

"I look forward to it," replied Cyrus. 


"You want me to put that on?" I quipped staring horrified at the leash he had thrown on the floor. 

"What? You're too noble to put it on?" He asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm. 

"I am not wearing it," my voice was firm, leaving no room for concessions. 

I was not a dog and so I was not going to put such a thing around my neck; there was simply no way I was going to reduce myself to such humiliation. 

"I did not give you an option nor was I asking, it is a directive; put the leash on," said Cyrus his voice stern but I did not care, my mind was made up. 

"I refuse, you do not need me attending some snobbish party for you and your foolish friends," I was expecting the slap that followed this statement but it still stung and the effect made my eyes water. 

"You will refrain from using such language to address me, understood?" He bellowed but I kept quiet and only stated into his eyes. 

"Until I figure you out, you are to remain by my side every waking moment of your life, I do not enjoy your company either but I will not risk…" he kept quiet just then and as I wondered why he suddenly shut up, Theo came into view. 

"Your Majesty, your attention is needed urgently in the throne room," he said. 

Cyrus cleared his throat and walked out; I was left with Theo. 

I was about to take my leave when he said, "stop."

"What?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. I understood I was Cyrus' slave but what was his deal and that Adrianna's? Why were they picking on me? 

"Who the hell are you?" he asked with venom in his voice. 

When I looked into his eyes I understood there was no right answer to this question. 

"Whatever the hell you think I am," I hissed as I made to leave his presence. I was not successful; he blocked the entrance. 

"Whatever you are doing to Alpha Cyrus, you had better stop it now because I can assure you the consequences would be dire," he told me. It was a threat, a real one. 

"Back off," I said in response. I was scared, very scared in fact of Theo. Cyrus might be more monstrous, more frightful but with Cyrus there was a thrill that came with the scare, with Theo there was nothing. It was only cold. 

"If you take that tone to the soiree tomorrow, you will be torn into shreds and fed to dogs," a chill went down my spine when he said this but I refused to show it. In fact I stomped on the leash the show just how impudent I intended to stay before walking out on him.

I did not get far however, he was behind me and he said harshly, "Follow me." 

He overtook me as we walked and he led me to a different section of the palace that I had never seen. 

There was a stage in the very centre but unlike most stages this one was not elevated. In fact the whole place was like an arena and round about the centre stage there were chairs like steps (like an amphitheatre) such that wherever you sat on those chairs you would get a good view of what was happening down the stage. 

"Watch closely," whispered Theo to me. 

As I watched a man was led to the centre of the stage by two guards. The man was left alone at the centre; he was naked with nothing to even shield his loin area. He looked as though he has been badly tortured for he had all manner of different wounds all of which were still very fresh. 

Suddenly a loud roar filled the auditorium and this was followed by wild cheers from the crowd. I saw the fear on the man before I saw the beast that had been released to the stage. It was fearsome, it had long red fangs; was covered in a thick black fur and it looked very much like a lion only that I had never known a lion could be black. 

The tortured man who had looked almost lifeless a while ago was now filled with energy as he tried his best to scramble out of the stage. His screams if plea filled the air but most of the crowd jeered at him and booed him. 

I watched in horror as the beast came closer to him and sniffed him as though enjoying the aroma of a delicacy. 

I could not watch what happened.