The Quadro Family

Asic bought tickets for the intercity train back to Cryptopolis that very day. He had to return quickly to take care of business and introduce Junifer to the remaining family members. For Junifer and Magi, it was their first time on an intercity train, and they were both thrilled. This time, Asic bought the most expensive tickets to ensure Magi and Junifer could rest comfortably in a private room.


Magi and Junifer enjoyed all the snacks they could eat on the train. The journey was peaceful, as it should be. After the recent hijacking, the security system for intercity trains had been upgraded. Asic ordered plenty of food to their room and even asked a train attendant to set up a gaming console for Magi to play.


"Uncle, is the other aunt nice?" Junifer asked Asic when he told her they were going to meet another family member.


"Yes, she's very nice. And she's beautiful too."


The Quadro family in Asic's generation consisted of three siblings: Legis, the eldest; Meri, the middle child; and Asic, the youngest. The person Asic wanted to help look after Junifer was his only remaining sister.


"Besides Aunt Meri, you also have a twin brother," Asic added.


"A twin brother?" Junifer's eyes widened. She had no idea she had so many relatives!


"And also your grandmother. She isn't well and has to stay in the hospital. When we have time, I'll take you to see her."


"I want to meet Grandma," Junifer said.


"You will, for sure. She'll love you very much," Asic assured her, patting his niece's head. After that, he and the children went to bed. Two days later, the intercity train arrived at Cryptopolis Station. Asic held the hands of the two children as they hailed a taxi. The atmosphere of the metropolis was entirely different from Oceanstone, which amazed the children. They pressed their faces against the windows, watching people move around, some driving cars, others flying, and some even walking on water.


Eventually, the taxi stopped in Sector 16, an industrial area filled with numerous factories. There was a restaurant located at the corner of the street. In the afternoon, when most customers had gone back to work, the restaurant was empty except for a woman wearing an apron standing with her arms crossed, seemingly waiting for someone.


The taxi door opened, and the three passengers got out—Asic, Junifer, and Magi. They entered the restaurant and met the woman.




"Hey, my ass!" Meri shot back.


'Our father was your father too, you know,' Asic thought, rolling his eyes at his sister. Meri was a strange person—blunt and sharp-tongued, but with a very gentle heart.


"Don't use foul language," Asic scolded.


"What's wrong with a little bad language? I talk like this all the time, but my own kids haven't turned out half as foul-mouthed as me."


"It's because of that mouth of yours that you can't find a new husband."


"Why do you care, smartass?"


'Aunt Meri... nice?' Junifer watched the exchange between the two adults. One was serious but gentle, while the other was loud and seemed bad-tempered. Uncle Asic had said Aunt Meri was very nice, but how could someone nice use such bad language?


"Oh, these two are our nieces and nephew, right? Nice to meet you both. My name's Meri, and I'm your aunt." When Meri turned to speak to Magi and Junifer, her demeanor changed completely, softening into that of a mother. She was already a mother of two, giving her plenty of experience in raising children. Her maternal instincts were strong.


Magi, with his tanned skin and amber eyes, stood next to Junifer, who had the fair skin and amethyst eyes characteristic of the Quadro family. Asic hadn't told Meri much about them, only that he had come to pick up Legis's child. Meri didn't care whether Magi was related to her by blood; as long as he was Junifer's brother, she would treat him as her own nephew.


Meri had intended to make a good first impression on the children, but when she saw Asic, her old habits resurfaced. The impression she left on Junifer and Magi was more akin to that of a spicy auntie from a fish market.


Meri spread her arms wide, and for some reason, Junifer felt a surge of excitement. The little girl ran into Meri's arms, embracing her as if she had longed for her for a very long time.


Junifer was a five-year-old girl who deeply needed a mother's love. Her mother had passed away five months earlier, and meeting Meri, who gave her the same warm feeling, made her never want to let go.




"You can call me Mommy if you want," Meri said softly.




"Yes, I'm your mommy now. Magi, you can come hug me too. No need to be shy."




"Of course." Meri smiled sweetly at the boy. Magi approached her shyly, and Meri pulled him into a tight hug. These two children, who had lived alone in a shack in the slums, cried when they felt Meri's warm embrace. It was strange how, despite meeting for the first time, they already felt a deep bond. The power of family and Meri's kindness seemed to transcend time.


'Amazing. Women are always better at handling kids,' Asic thought, standing by the door, watching Magi and Junifer find their place.


"Come inside. There's plenty of food and snacks here. I'll also introduce you to your older brothers," Meri said, lifting Junifer and Magi, one in each arm. Despite her seemingly fragile appearance, Meri was a strong woman who could carry a sack of cement on one shoulder.


Meri's restaurant was a family establishment with two zones: one for smokers and one for non-smokers. No alcohol was sold. Even when customers protested, Meri held firm. No matter what, she refused to sell alcohol. While her revenue might not have been as high as others, her principles earned the restaurant a good reputation.






"Aunt Meri!" Two eleven-year-old twin boys came running down from upstairs to greet their aunt. They both admired Asic immensely, seeing him as a real-life hero. They wanted to be just like him when they grew up. The boys' names were Johnny and Tony.


"Johnny, Tony, I brought you something." Asic handed them a bag of old video game chips. Despite being outdated, these games were treasures for true gamers like Johnny and Tony, who were passionate about retro games that were hard to find nowadays.


"Thank you!" Johnny and Tony said gratefully. These old games were far from obsolete—if kept for ten years, their value would increase, making them a sound investment.


"Johnny, Tony, come meet your new cousins."


"Cousins?" Johnny and Tony eyed the two kids Meri was carrying. They hadn't known there were other kids in the Quadro family. The twins stood together, introducing themselves.


"I'm Johnny, the older brother."


"I'm Tony, the younger brother."


"We're the twin gamer duo, always ready for fun!"


"Want to check out our collection in our room?" Johnny and Tony pulled Junifer and Magi upstairs, eager to show off their prized collections of old games, comics, music, and other rare items. Magi and Junifer had never been interested in such things, but the twins opened their eyes to a whole new world of wonders.


Asic left the children in each other's care. He went upstairs to store his belongings, then came back down to help his sister serve food. In the evening, when the workers returned from their shifts and came in for dinner, the restaurant got busy. Besides Asic, Meri also had other employees. But since Asic volunteered to help for free, she certainly wasn't going to complain.


"I never imagined Legis would leave a child behind. I thought he wouldn't have left anything for us," Meri said, sharing Asic's sentiments from when he first discovered Legis had a daughter. With his boastful personality, Legis would have been the type to dote on his daughter, but he had kept her a secret from the family.


"Damn it. Even after he's dead, he leaves us to take care of his kid. Stupid brother." Meri cursed Legis, downing a shot of whiskey and slamming the glass on the table with a force that mirrored her turbulent emotions. Despite her harsh words, Asic knew that Meri loved Legis just as deeply as he did.


"I'm sorry for bringing Magi too," Asic apologized, feeling guilty for not consulting Meri beforehand. Taking in Junifer was a given since she was family, but Magi had no blood relation to them. Asic had made a unilateral decision to take responsibility for Magi, not knowing how the rest of the family would feel.


"Forget it. I know you too well. You couldn't bear to see siblings separated, could you?"


"I chose what was best for Jun. She needs Magi, and Magi needs her."


"Hmph. Two more mouths to feed means more trouble for me. In the end, I'm the one who suffers."


"I'll help too."


"You? Raising kids? Get lost." Meri knew her brother well—Asic wasn't the type to take responsibility for children. He was more devoted to his work than to family. Leaving Junifer and Magi with him would only lead to neglect.


"Leave the kids with me. I'm already raising two, so two more isn't much of a difference. You go wherever you need to go, and just visit from time to time. Don't forget."


"Thanks, Meri."


"Hmph. Stubborn, just like Legis. There's not a single easy one among us." Meri grumbled a bit more before pouring Asic a drink. He took a sip, resolving to do his best. He had inherited Legis's legacy; if he couldn't make Junifer happy, he'd have no face to meet his brother in the afterlife.


"By the way, Asic, you're a grown man. When are you going to settle down? Mom's been waiting to hold her grandchild."


"There are already enough kids around, aren't there?"


"It's not the same, idiot! Mom wants to see a little Asic, not just Johnny and Tony." Meri stared into her brother's eyes. Asic was the pride of the Quadro family, but despite his dependability, he had always given Meri reasons to worry.


"I'm serious, Asic. Mom doesn't have much time left. I want you to stop fooling around and settle down."


"..." Asic felt like the coffee he was drinking had turned bitter. His worst habit was his flirtatiousness. Without a constant stream of new women, he felt like eating dry bread every day. It made it difficult for him to fall in love, and unless he found someone who matched his personality, marriage seemed impossible.


"I'll think about it," Asic said. He couldn't promise, but he'd consider it. Meri, knowing her brother well, accepted that response.




"Is it true you resigned?"




"And what about Mom? She can't stay in the police hospital anymore, right?" Meri wasn't worried about Asic quitting his stable job; she was more concerned about their mother's health. Her condition had worsened every year, and she couldn't take care of herself anymore. The cost of her treatment was extremely high.


Asic had used his benefits as a police officer to get their mother admitted to the police hospital, one of the most advanced facilities. But now that he had resigned, she could no longer stay there. Within the next month, she would have to be transferred to another hospital or brought home. Without specialized staff and advanced equipment, her death was almost certain.


"I'm going to take her to a better hospital, no matter the cost."


"A better hospital than the police hospital? Can you afford that?" Meri asked. The illness their mother had required cutting-edge technology and was extremely costly. If they were to move her, they'd need a hospital of equal capability.


The police hospital had high costs, but with the support of the police department, they had managed. If they moved elsewhere and required the same level of care, money would flow like water.


"I have some savings and the inheritance from Legis. It should cover about a year. Plus, I have a plan."


"What plan?" Meri asked, and Asic activated his system, sending a message to Meri. Despite not being a power user, she was able to use her mind to connect to the system. What her brother sent her was a promotional image for an event from the Fluction system.


Rookie Miner


The Rookie Miner Competition is an event held every five years, offering an opportunity for anyone interested to participate, provided they have never competed in the Rookie Miner before and have been in the Miner profession for less than five years. The rewards for this event are extraordinary—ranging from rare Asra cards, special ores, powerful weapons, and the most valuable of all: the Elixir.


The Elixir is known as the "potion of longevity." No matter how close to death someone is, drinking a single bottle of the Elixir can extend their lifespan significantly. Currently, the only way to obtain an Elixir is to participate in the Rookie Miner Competition, where it is awarded to the Miner who scores the highest points. Asic had heard of the Elixir before, but it was only while researching Ivy that he realized it could be obtained through the Rookie Miner.


Asic's mother's illness was incurable, and she was expected to pass away within the next year. However, if she could drink the Elixir, she might live another ten years.


"Are you really going to become a Miner?"


"Yes, I have to save Mom. Only the Elixir can help her. I promised my brother that I'd protect our family." Asic had more than one reason to become a Miner. Legis had worked as a Miner for decades, and the Miner community was vast. Neither the police nor major criminals could conceal everything forever. Given time, Asic was certain he could find some clues about what had really happened to Legis and whether there was anything suspicious.


"You're grown now. Take care of yourself."


"I knew you'd understand."


"Who asked to be your sister, anyway? Damn it, I must've committed some sin in a past life to end up as your sister." Meri's voice carried a mix of irritation and concern, her eyes darkening as she looked at her brother. She wouldn't stop him, but that didn't mean she wasn't worried. No matter how much Asic grew, he was still her younger brother, someone she had to worry about.






"You're all I have left. If Mom's gone, besides my kids, there's only you." Their father had died when Asic was too young to remember him. Meri had lost her husband in a car accident, and a few years later, their mother fell gravely ill. Now their eldest brother was gone as well.


"Same here. We're all that's left."


"Go wherever you need to go, but make sure I see your face often. I need to know that my only brother is still alive."


"I will, sis."


"Lukchin! Bring me some alcohol—we're not stopping until we're drunk." Meri called to an employee named Lukchin. Soon enough, two bottles of liquor and a bucket of ice were set on the table. The siblings drank until they were intoxicated. By the next morning, Meri found that Asic was already gone.