Chain Him to The Bed

Warlock Ch 122. Chain Him to The Bed

"This world has changed a lot since you left," Evelyn interrupted, her tone gentler but no less firm. "You should consider that. So have your enemies. They've gotten stronger, more organized."

Cassius nodded, his expression grim. "Not to mention that those fragment memories of yours can't guarantee anything. Hell, you don't even remember why you killed Victoria's husband."

That one hit home. Damian's shoulders tensed, his jaw tightening as he tried to formulate a comeback. But… they had a point. Both of them. He hated that they were right, but there it was. "Yeah," he muttered reluctantly, "kinda right."

Cassius's triumphant smirk made Damian want to throw a pillow at him. Instead, he settled for a flat, unimpressed stare. "Don't look so smug," Damian grumbled.

"Oh, I will," Cassius replied smugly, leaning back in his chair. "It's a rare occasion when you actually listen to reason."