
Mei Meili marched confidently onto the training ground taking the sixth square that was left empty for her to join her five older brothers in a take-the-flag training exercise.

She liked to think she could pass for the youngest brother, but her figure was so slight and her face so feminine and beautiful, there was little chance of that. The swell of her chest was visible despite the tight binding she wore.

It was a source of great frustration to her that her bust was so inelegant, refusing to let her petite frame be truly willowy.

"About time, Little Sixth," called her Fifth Brother.

If he was being respectful, he would have called her First Sister or meimei, being the first sister and the only girl, but she didn't mind at all; being treated as one of the boys by her brothers made her happy.

"Slow out of bed, Momu," called Fourth Brother, "what were you doing? You couldn't be needing your beauty sleep."

Her brothers laughed at the teasing, and she scowled at Fourth. Momu was one of the famous five ugliest women.

Hmmph, she thought, what did she care if she was plain-looking? What use were good looks when you never left the mansion? She was smart and quick, and she could ride and shoot, and those were skills she valued much more than some useless pretty face. Though she would've liked to grow at least an inch or two.

She pursed her lips grumpily, five feet, zero inches… It didn't make her feel very adult, despite having had her hair-pinning ceremony last month. Still, she was taller than mother and grandmother, so she wouldn't complain too much.

She looked at the very tall apex of the bamboo pyramid whose rungs gleamed in the late-Winter sun; the servants had diligently oiled them, adding to the difficulty level. A Mei Clan flag fluttered in yellow and white at the very top, the prize for the taking, and a symbol of their proud lineage, a noble military family for generations, faithfully serving the emperor.

Meili crouched down, ready to spring into action. Her heart suddenly swelled with excitement. If she could win this, her father would definitely let her ask for something, she thought, her mind already ticking on what she might be able to wheedle from him.

"Phweeeeee," her uncle blew the high-pitched whistle.

Boom, she was out of the gate and running, pulling herself backwards around the first rung.

With his height advantage, First Brother had taken the lead. Second Brother was close on his heels.

Mei Meili scrambled up quickly now that she was on the structure. Her hands slipped on the oil, and she balanced momentarily to wipe them. Fifth Brother took this opportunity to pass her with a laugh.

"You snooze, you lose, meimei!" he called.

She jumped and stretched up to reach him, managing to just tap his ankle, but her slippery hands couldn't get a firm grip.

No matter, Third Brother was already there. He swung down from the row above and pushed Fifth backwards, with the smack of a palm to his forehead.

Fifth almost fell all the way to the mats, but he managed to grasp the lowest rung and haul himself back up.

"You Bastard, Third!" Fifth shouted angrily, his forehead and his pride smarting.

"Thank you, Third Brother!" Meili called.

 "Anything for you, meimei," Third Brother smiled dotingly at her.

First and Second Brothers were engaged in an eye-wateringly fast hand-to-hand combat match, balanced lightly two rungs from the top.

With his two older brothers thus preoccupied, Third took his opportunity. Fourth Brother was not having any of this and monkeyed across to grab Third Brother around the calves, hanging on grimly as Third kicked and shook him.

"Get off me you gibbon!"

Fourth laughed crazily as he clung to Third with his full weight, forcing him to carry both of them.

Meili edged around to the other side of the pyramid, seeking a clear path to the top.

Fifth Brother was onto her though. She could see him chasing behind her, two rungs below. With grim determination, she pushed upwards.

First Brother watched his little sister from the corner of his eye.

Suddenly getting serious, he blocked his Second Brother with a solid punch to the chest, tipping his balance.

Second slid down the oiled rungs on his back, landing on the mats below.

He landed hard, and they all winced hearing the air puff from his lungs.

He wouldn't be up for a few seconds after a winding like that, thought Meili opportunistically.

She was almost there… one rung to go… she stretched her little arm as far as it would reach.

Meili gasped as First Brother lightly gripped her ankle and gave it a quick tug, chuckling indulgently.

"Meimei … what do you think you're up to?" he shook his head, crinkling his eyes, as he pulled her down into his arms.

He grinned at her, as he gently pushed her onto one of the anchor poles, that acted like a slippery dip.

She slid all the way to the ground, wrapped around the pole, desperately grasping it for purchase. Nope, too slippery. She hit the mats, landing lightly.

Tricky-Wu, barked with concern.

"Gege!" she shouted upwards in annoyance. She was so close!

Tricky pulled free from her maidservant Manni, who squealed as he nearly pulled her over, the dog racing to check on his mistress.

"I'm alright Tricky, nothing to worry about," she gave him a quick pat before flying back to the bamboo frame.

It wasn't over yet! If nothing else, these sessions proved that you could come back from last place to win.

Third and Fourth Brothers remained locked in their monkey-like embrace, shouting and swearing at one another, Third's arms starting to shake.

This left the flag completely unprotected and clear for First Brother, who leisurely reached out and took it.

Not even a hair out of place, thought Meili sourly.

She was only on the first rung now and she jumped back down in disgust.

"Well done, First Brother," she yelled up at him. "As usual, you're the winner," she muttered.

"Thank you, meimei. You can have my reward," he called.

She brightened at that, smiling prettily. "Ge. No need, no need. I know you love me the best," she laughed sweetly.

"Are you okay, didi?" First Brother yelled down at Second.

"Yes Ge," he huffed. "Don't worry about it. You only threw me down ten metres onto my back. I couldn't breathe at all for about five seconds. But no hard feelings…" Second stalked off the mats, shaking his head in irritation.

"We're not done for the day yet," barked their Uncle. "Time for archery."

"Not Meili," their mother had quietly arrived in the training yard. "Meili, time for guqin practice. Manni, get her changed please. Veil on. It's Master Rong."

"But mother! I need to practise my archery with the boys," she pleaded.

"Definitely not. Men plough; women weave. You have guqin, then embroidery this afternoon."

"Uncle?" Meili wheedled.

"Hello sister-in-law," her uncle bowed his head in respectful greeting. "My apologies if we've interfered with my niece's lessons."

"No, no brother-in-law, don't apologise. I told Meili she could attend training this morning. Please continue with the boys. I'm sorry to interrupt."

Mother motioned for Meili to leave with her, and she reluctantly bid her brothers farewell. She knew from hard experience that pushing any further would be unhelpful.

"Come on Tricky," she called sadly. "Time for your afternoon nap ... Lucky devil," she muttered, stroking his ears.

Tricky-Wu was always on high alert when Meili was training, but the minute she started guqin, embroidery or dance lessons, he'd settle somewhere warm and rest his fluffy head on his crossed paws, without a care in the world.

"Traitor," she grumbled at him, as he followed her mother obediently out of the yard, happily wagging his tail as he shepherded her along.