
The two girls changed together in Meili's room. She didn't have a privacy screen in her room. She'd never needed one before.

Manni had laid out a martial arts training outfit for each of them. Light pink for Meili and light blue for Sofya. They were both slight and very similar in height, which meant that Meili's clothes should be a good fit on the Princess. Meili was much curvier than Sofya, who was slim and lithe, but because Meili generally wore a tight chest binding, her top was roomy but not too oversized for the petite princess.

As they were changing together, Meili didn't want to bother with her chest binding, which took time and was too embarrassing to do in company. Her grassland friend had no modesty whatsoever in her presence. She was used to communal women's bathhouses. She watched Meili turn her back to her with interest.