Even though Meili knew this day would come, after all, she had turned down Bai Li's betrothal offer in order to allow the man to make a love match, yet now that that day was here, it seemed to hurt more than it should.
The hurt was compounded by the fact that the Emperor was just randomly choosing the man a wife, without Bai Li caring for the girl at all.
The Emperor stole a sly glance at Miss Mei. The girl could hide nothing. Pain was written all over her face.
Bai Li, on the other hand, kept his face unmoving.
"May I speak with you alone, my Lord?" he asked.
Aha! Here it was! The Commander might be able to hold his face and his tongue steady, but despite that, here was his weakness after all. He looked forward to hearing what the fellow had to say to him…
"Yes, yes of course Commander. Leave us," the Emperor indicated to his sons and Miss Mei to vacate the throne room.