Chapter 79: Unexpected Call.

It was a quiet and cozy morning in Emily's apartment. Soft sunlight filtered through the windows, creating a perfect ambiance for a lazy day. She and Matthew were cuddled up on the couch, comfortably settled under a soft blanket, just enjoying each other's company. A comedy show was playing on the TV, but they were both more focused on each other than what was happening on the screen.

Matthew was lying with his head in Emily's lap, her fingers gently stroking his hair as he relaxed. They didn't need words to feel connected, each other's presence was enough to make them happy. Emily, however, had a little free time, so while Matthew was immersed in the show, she took out her phone to check her social media.

When she opened her Instagram page, she was greeted by a flood of notifications. Many followers had commented on her latest photos and posts. Emily smiled as she scrolled through the messages, reading some with affection. She loved connecting with her fans, especially when she received words of encouragement and affection.

@lucas_estevao: "I just can't wait to see your next songs! You're killing it in both film and music. Do you have any secrets to being so amazing?"

Emily smiled and replied: "I really appreciate it, Lucas! The secret is to work hard and never stop believing in yourself. Thank you so much for your support!"

@milena_souza: "Emily, you're not only a wonderful actress, but an inspiration to all of us. How do you manage to balance everything in your life?"

She laughed and typed: "Milena, I really try to balance it, but it's always important to have good support by your side! "

@carol_farias: "I loved the movie! And I'm super excited for the new songs. When will they be released? "

Emily, excited, replied: "Carol, you're going to love it! The songs are almost ready, so we'll have some news soon. I can't wait to share them with you!"

@vivi_lima_89: "Emily, how do you deal with all the pressure of fame? You always seem so calm."

Emily thought for a moment and replied: "Vivi, it's a challenge, of course, but the key is to always remember to take care of yourself and have people you trust by your side. I try to stay calm and always remember what's most important in life!"

As she answered, Matthew lifted his head from her lap and looked at the screen.

"Who are these fans who are so affectionate towards you?" he asked with a lazy smile.

Emily, with a satisfied smile, showed him the screen of her cell phone.

"They are incredible people who have been following me for so long... I love responding and interacting with them. It makes me feel closer to everyone."

Matthew looked at her fondly.

"You are a really special person, Emily. They are so lucky to have someone like you around."

Emily gave a small, shy smile, caressing Matthew's face before answering.

"I'm grateful to them, really. And I'm grateful to you too, for always being there for me."

She looked back at her phone and continued interacting with her fans, while Matthew settled back into her lap, feeling completely at ease.

While Emily was still immersed in her fans' messages, her phone rang, interrupting the moment of tranquility. She looked at the screen and saw that it was an unknown caller. She hesitated for a moment, but decided to answer it, curious to know who could be calling.

"Hello?" Emily said, with a smile still on her face.

A young woman's soft voice answered on the other end of the line.

"Hi, Emily! This is Lara, Matthew's sister. How are you?"

Emily straightened up a little, surprised to hear Matthew's name. She already knew he had a sister, but she had never spoken to her directly. Lara's voice was friendly, cheerful.

"Hi, Lara! I'm fine, and you?" Emily replied, smiling as she noticed the warm tone of the conversation.

"I'm great, thanks! Look, I was thinking... Matthew told me you had some free time today, and I'd love for you to go shopping with me. I'm not really a fan of doing it alone." Lara said in a joking tone, as if it were an offer she couldn't refuse.

Emily was surprised by the request, but thought it could be a good opportunity to get to know Matthew's sister better and strengthen her relationship with his family even further.

"Sure, I'd love to!" Emily replied, a smile shining through her voice. "When and where do you want to go?"

Lara seemed excited by Emily's answer.

"That's great! I was thinking about going to that new designer store downtown, "Vero Luxe". I think they have some amazing pieces there, and I'd love your opinion."

Emily had heard of this store before and knew it was one of the most exclusive in the city, famous for its sophisticated designs and high-end pieces.

"Perfect! I can meet you there. What time will you be arriving?"

Lara answered quickly.

"How about 2:00 p.m.? That way we have time to calmly look at the clothes and then have a drink, if you want."

"Deal, Lara. I'll be there!"

She hung up the call and, as she put her phone away, she found herself smiling, thinking that perhaps this would be a good chance to create a stronger connection with Matthew's family. She knew how much he valued his sister, and perhaps this would be the ideal opportunity for her to get closer to her as well.

Matthew, who was standing next to her, looked at Emily curiously.

"Who was that?" he asked with a small smile.

Emily sighed slightly, still feeling happy about the call.

"Lara, your sister. She invited me to go shopping with her. I accepted."

Matthew raised an eyebrow, surprised, but he didn't seem bothered.

"Oh, yeah? She really likes you, then." He smiled proudly. "Enjoy, and don't forget to tell me all about it later."

Emily smiled back and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before standing up.

"I promise. I'll have fun. And maybe I'll find a few things for myself too."

Matthew watched her as she picked up her bag and got ready to leave, feeling a little proud of the way she connected with the important people in her life.