Chapter 113: Routine

Emily woke up early the next day, still scared by the events of the previous night. Feeling her heart race as she remembered the sounds at the door, she took a deep breath and headed to the bathroom. A hot shower seemed like the best way to organize her thoughts and relieve the tension.

After getting dressed, she sat at the table in the room to have breakfast. She was slowly chewing a piece of bread when the door to the suite opened and Gabriela entered, wearing her usual serious expression.

"How are you?" Gabriela asked, watching Emily carefully.

Emily swallowed the piece of bread and answered in a casual tone, "Okay."

Gabriela raised an eyebrow, skeptical.

"Really? Look, we can talk to the crew and cancel your scenes today, if you prefer."

Emily was thoughtful for a moment, but soon shook her head.

"No need. I'm going to record."

Gabriela sighed, crossing her arms.

"Director Roberto met me early in the lobby. He said you can take a few days off if you want."

Emily just nodded, silently thanking him for his support, but she had already decided that she would not let fear get in the way of her work.

After getting ready, the two of them left the suite and headed to the film set. In the car, while admiring the historic streets of Florence, Emily picked up her cell phone to call Matthew.

"Emily, how are you?" His voice sounded warm on the other end of the line.

"Better now, but yesterday was complicated." She hesitated before continuing. "I appreciate your concern."

"Always, Mrs. Lancaster," Matthew replied. "Just don't forget that you can call me, no matter what time it is."

"I'll remember that." A smile appeared on Emily's lips, relieving some of the weight she felt. "I have to go. I'm almost on set."

"Good luck today. I want to hear everything later." He said goodbye softly.

Emily hung up the call and put her phone in her purse. Even though her heart was still a little restless, she felt strengthened to face the day.

Emily arrived at the film set feeling a little shaken by the events of the previous night, but determined to move forward. The place was busy as usual, with assistants running around, adjustments being made to the cameras and director Roberto coordinating the preparations for the scene.

While Gabriela spoke to the production team, Emily took a moment to concentrate. Dressed as Ana, her character, she immersed herself in the film's script, focusing on the lines and details that made each scene unique.

The first scene of the day was a light dialogue between Ana and one of her coworkers on the square project. The set, set up to look like the inside of an architecture office, was impeccable. Emily positioned herself next to the supporting actor.

"Ready?" Roberto asked, holding the megaphone.

Emily nodded, adjusting her posture. As soon as the director shouted "Action!", she put her fears and worries aside, completely embodying Ana.

"Are you sure this fountain is a good idea?" Ana asked, in an ironic tone, as she observed the model in the center of the table.

"Absolutely!" replied her colleague, with a mischievous smile. "It's modern, functional and will attract tourists."

"Only if it's to take ridiculous selfies," Ana retorted, crossing her arms and arching an eyebrow. "I thought we were trying to preserve the historic charm of the square."

The exchange of lines flowed naturally, and Roberto smiled with satisfaction as he said "Cut!".

"Perfect, Emily! Let's move on to the next scene."

While the sets were being adjusted, Emily took advantage of a break to review the next sequence, where Ana would have a heated discussion with Léo about the creative directions of the project. Emily approached Artur, exchanging some ideas on how to make the scene more authentic.

"I think we can emphasize their stubbornness in this scene," Emily suggested. "Maybe Leo interrupts Ana in the middle of a sentence, and that will make her even more irritated."

"Good idea!" Artur agreed.

When filming began, the tension between the characters was palpable.

"Leo, we need something that is functional, not a show of creativity," Ana said, with an exasperated tone, pointing to the model.

"Functional? Ana, sometimes you need to stop thinking so much about logic and make room for your heart!" Leo replied, with passion in his voice.

"The heart won't make it stand up!" Ana replied, throwing her hands up in the air.

The scene was interrupted by spontaneous laughter from both of them, but that only made the moment more real. Roberto shouted "Cut!" with a smile on his face, praising their performance.

As the day progressed, Emily felt more confident and involved in the work. The light and collaborative atmosphere on the set helped to dissipate the tension.

During the lunch break, Gabriela approached, carrying a plate of salad and a look of concern.

"You seem to be better now."

"Work helps," Emily admitted, as she picked up a fork. "When I'm acting, I forget everything around me."

Gabriela smiled slightly, but before she could respond, Emily's phone vibrated. It was a message from Matthew:

"I hope everything is okay out there. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me."

Emily smiled, comforted by his concern, and quickly replied, "Thanks, Matthew. It's been a busy day, but I'm feeling better. Let's talk later."

The afternoon was spent filming outdoors in a picturesque square in the city center. Emily had the opportunity to interact with extras and soak up the vibrant energy of the environment, which brought the film to life.

When the day of filming came to an end, Emily was exhausted but grateful to have made it through yet another stage.

On the way back to the hotel, Emily was taken by surprise by a sudden shock, and everything went dark.

When she regained consciousness, a throbbing headache made her groan softly. The surroundings were sterile and white, with simple furniture and the rhythmic sound of a heart monitor filling the silence. As she took in the hospital fixtures around her, she felt a chill of concern.

Emily tried to sit up in bed, but a throbbing in her arm made her hesitate. Looking at the bandage on her skin, a knot of anxiety grew in her chest. Feeling restless and confused, she decided to try to get up.

As soon as she put her feet on the floor, her legs gave out, and she fell with a thud to the floor, letting out a cry of pain. The impact echoed through the room, and involuntary tears welled up in her eyes.

Before she could react, she heard a hoarse voice full of alarm.


Lifting her head with difficulty, Emily saw Matthew rushing into the room. His face was marked with concern, his anxious eyes sweeping every detail of her expression.

He immediately crouched down beside her, holding her firmly but carefully, and helped her back to bed.

"Emily, what are you doing?" His voice was filled with distress. "You should rest!"

Emily looked at him, confusion written all over her face.

"What happened?" she asked, her voice low and shaky. "How did I get here?"

Matthew adjusted the pillows behind her and took her hand gently.

"You were attacked on your way back to the hotel." He paused, trying to control his anger. "Someone tried to kidnap you, but they couldn't."

Her eyes widened, her heart racing.

"Kidnap? Why? Who would do that?"

Matthew shook his head, his lips pressed together.

"We don't know yet. The police are investigating. Gabriela realized something was wrong when you didn't arrive when they expected. They found you unconscious in an alley near the hotel."

Emily pressed her hand to her forehead, trying to gather her thoughts. Hazy memories began to surface.

"I remember... walking down the hallway and suddenly... a shock..."

Matthew's grip tightened on her hand.

"Don't worry about that right now. The most important thing is that you're safe."

She looked him in the eye, finding comfort in his determined expression. Even though she was still afraid, Matthew's presence brought her a strange relief.

"Thank you for being here…" she murmured, her voice breaking slightly.

He touched her face gently, his tone full of sincerity.

"I'll always be here, Emily. Always."