Ch-9 Rise of the Vigilante

[Nonono I need life force to intervene personally in some matters and it won't hurt anyone as I only take an year , because ever since your subconscious (me) awakened, you can save your some life force and every one year now can be conserved for 3 years meaning 300 years!!]

"Then why do you need life force to 'intervene'?"

[It's how you age! Forget it , your just a conscious mind.]

Although I didn't understand anything it seemed like if he needed to help me , we needed to sacrifice our life force so I decided to master my powers!

I got up and locked the door and escaped from the house and neighborhood.

Nelson Park

I changed into an Ant , went in and buffed up back to normal. Then I started started imagining how my hand turns into an Ant , to my surprise nothing changed.

[Lift that Boulder over there]

When I touched the Boulder it was super light! I could lift it with one hand! For reference it's as big as a car!

[Ant can lift 10x their weight and also you also have another ability it seems]

I threw the giant rock down and it fell 5 meters from my distance.

"And what extra? ability is there"

[Your abilities are modified and strengthen , if you can lift 10x your weight , you can no lift 100x]

The more abilities I got to know , the more fun it got.....but a strange feeling of fear consumed me. This many for just one person? It was honestly a terrifying thing to think about.

I then practiced and transformed into all of the animal I currently had , dog and cat were awesome to say. I could smell well in the dog form and I became fast when I'm a cat. After hours of practice I decided to head back to my house.

[Let's practice our Animalosis given traits tommorow]


[I mentioned it. Once you become that animal , you get one of their most useful powers which doesn't give changed to your body.]

This Animalosis power was crazy useful! All I needed to do was learn how to use it!

"What are all my traits from animal I've transformed into?"

[Ant- Light Posion Immunity , Rooster- Enchanced hearing , Bull - Charge , Pig- Enhanced smell, Fish-Underwater breathing , Rabbit - Strong survival instinct , Non venomous Snake- Slight Flexibility]

My powers were just outside the box! I was a real-life superhero! I could even breath underwater! How cool is that!?

I head back home and fell asleep on my bed , today though I started Practicing my handwriting and it was really hard , not really hard but REALLY hard , it felt as if I became a 2nd grader again! I took my time and by dinner , I wrote Alphabets over 150 times! Though my 'V' looked like 'U' though it became easy as I practiced it , with the snake ability I made my finger work a little and ate my dinner and waited for Night.

[Let's go!]

Little did I know that I had to do this everyday. And I didn't bother studying as the books my mother read me were Integrals and Elements which eventually became every thing I hated , I also took a IQ test and the score's average adult was 90 , I got 110 when I was 6!! So ofcourse my parents taught me everything even if it wasn't for the blind , they would teach me in some other way.

My parents always thought about me , I was simply grateful and proud to have a family like mine.

[Narrator's Inner feeling: even I'm grateful for my parents!]

Enough of that now.

After 6 days! (Tommorow is Haiti Entrance Exam!]

Tommorow was my Haiti exams but I was outside in middle of the night to find some criminals. With no costume or anything like that. I was walking in the street for 20 minutes and no sign of illegal things happenening.

"Isn't this alley a place where most robberies take place?!" I shouted , no one was there anyway after more 30 minutes of waiting. I left that place and entered a convenience store.

Convenience shops were open 24/7 and they had mostly everything needed , so I started looking and found a coffee, albeit I haven't drank coffee in life , I needed caffeine today as I wouldn't sleep.

I kept the cold coffee can on the table

"How much?" I asked.

"10 Eks" the cashier guy said without looking at me.

"Eks...?" I asked him with doubt....he looked at me weirdly.

"10 Equlium , Eks are the short form....are you new to UNOE?"


I come out of the shop , really have to socialize more since I have eyesight now.

[Elys! The guy who went in is holding the cashier at gun point!]

Time to test my abilities now.

I transformed my head into a pig's, with legs of a rabbit , chest of a dog and hands of a cat.

I go inside the store and the cashier stops giving the robber the money , looks at me and passes out. The robber got confused and before he can look back , I threw a punch at him breaking his face bones.

"Well That was easy"

[Touch him so I can absorb better]

I started searching the robber and took the glock with me and took the money he had.

[Done. You now have 150 years of Life force , more than enough.]

I then take the man's body and set it up on the ground and fled the scene.

"Did he die....did we kill him?" I asked.

[No he'll live more 20 years , serves him right for robbery but...why did you steal from him?]

"I won't make an official debut now so I'll make myself look like a thief"

I reverted back and gave the change i took from the robber to a beggar.

"If the robber is in jail , he won't need this money anyways."

I knew even robbers had families and they do it for their families. But even I'm doing my job.

[Your job?]

"Yes , a Vigilante. "

Walked towards my home avoiding all the cameras around the neighborhood and climbed my house and entered from the window. Then the bright sun rays hit my eyes making me squint my eyes.

[Rise and shine!, let's write the exam!]

I first started to study , I've been occupied by my powers but I didn't forget my exam which was today and I prepared a lot! I quickly got up and freshened up and came to the kitchen.

[It's 5.00 in the morning....ofcourse they're asleep.]

"But I'm you know how to cook?"

[I'm you...]

"Oh yeah...I completely forgot.."

My stomach was making sounds , it was screaming in pain! It needed food!!

[You can eat the rats in the attic and your not allergic to the them anyway]

"Are you really my subconscious?"

The fact of eating rats and insects was disgusting!

[They'll taste normal due to Animalosis. And what's wrong in eating rats and insects? You literally ate an Ant!]

Ahh.....I hated myself for doing what I'm about to do now.

[Narrator's inner feeling: not every power is good....understand that kids..]