Chapter 41

Afterward, Takumi introduced high-end energy cubes, explaining that all trainers in the Liyue area were already using them. Everyone in the Knights wanted the best for their Pokémon and immediately stocked up on premium rations.

"One final note," Takumi said, "if you sign up for a membership, you can access our store's Training Room and Battle Hall."

Takumi glanced at everyone who had just received their Pokémon. "Would any of you like to try a Pokémon battle?"

"The purpose of opening a branch in Mondstadt is to promote Pokémon and encourage more people to become trainers. In the near future, I'll host the first Trainer Sword Trial Tournament in Liyue, and many strong trainers will be participating…"

The Knights were surprised by this information. A branch in Mondstadt, promoting trainers, and an official competition?

Noelle, in particular, felt her heart race. For years, she had served the Knights as a maid, always reliable and kind-hearted, tackling any task given to her. Yet, despite her dedication, she had never been knighted by Captain Jean. Until now, she remained an honorary member rather than a full Knight.

Longing for Captain Jean's recognition and determined to show her growth, Noelle took a deep breath and announced, "I-I want to try it."

Her trembling but determined voice caught everyone by surprise, including Takumi.

"Interesting," Takumi said, his eyes lighting up. He had always seen Noelle as someone who could unleash surprising power. Her choice of the rock-solid Onix as her first Pokémon showed a fierce determination beneath her gentle exterior.

But as soon as the other Knights realized Noelle's giant Onix would be her battle partner, they exchanged nervous glances. Captain Jean, Kaeya, Lisa, and Amber felt a pang of hesitation. The idea of sending their newly hatched, small Pokémon against a towering Onix made them uneasy.

Rosaria, however, was intrigued. As the shadowy "Anbu" of Mondstadt, she felt her own Pokémon should possess an equally fierce spirit. Takumi had mentioned that her chosen Sneasel, or "Xuanla" as she named it, suited her well as a stealthy, cunning partner.

Kneeling down to meet her Pokémon's gaze, Rosaria murmured, "When I was young, I survived alone among thieves. Even then, I commanded respect. My will to survive caught the attention of the gods, and they granted me a Vision of Ice…"

Her words trailed off, but the intensity remained. Takumi had said Pokémon were intelligent beings, and Rosaria believed her Sneasel understood her. The fierce glint in Sneasel's eyes confirmed it.

"Aul la!" Sneasel cried, exuding a fighting spirit.

Rosaria tilted her head in amusement. "You want to fight, too?"

Sneasel nodded confidently. "Aul!"

Rosaria couldn't help but smile. In this ferocious little creature, she saw a piece of herself.

Takumi raised an eyebrow, amused. Using his authority as store manager, he checked Sneasel's profile and chuckled. The "brave" personality trait truly suited this Sneasel, who seemed different from the usual cunning, ambush-loving Sneasel tribe.

Everyone applied for membership cards and gathered in the Arena. Takumi took his place at the referee's stand, activating the video display to show highlights of Hu Tao and Xiangling's recent battle.

"Attributes, abilities, and skills," Rosaria muttered, absorbing the strategies displayed on the screen. As a seasoned warrior, she quickly identified the critical elements in Pokémon battles. She opened Sneasel's profile on her Pokédex:


Types: Dark, Ice

Ability: Keen Eye

Hidden Ability: Pickpocket

Level: Hatchling (Lv.1)

Skills: Scratch, Double Hit (inherited), Quick Attack

Description: "A fierce Pokémon that won't stop attacking until its opponent is defeated."

"Dark and Ice, with Keen Eye…" Rosaria mused. "An ability that prevents its accuracy from being lowered. Nice." She smirked upon reading the hidden ability. "And Pickpocket? Steals the opponent's held item if they make contact. That's a little underhanded… I like it."

At the same time, Noelle studied her own Pokémon's abilities. Known for her meticulous and cautious approach, she absorbed every detail about her Onix, determined to be fully prepared.

Watching both trainers so focused, Takumi grinned. He hadn't even needed to encourage them; the passion was already there.

Once they were ready, Takumi snapped his fingers. "Alright, let's begin!"

The arena shimmered with virtual technology, making the battle feel as if it were happening in real-time.