Chapter Four

Elara was up before first light, her fingers following models on the grimoire Toren had brought the earlier evening. Its thick, worn pages had a fragrance like earth and developed charm, passing spells and serenades long bombed on to recollect by the town. She'd barely snoozed, her contemplations tortured by the Secret One's insulting laughing. Its words really resonated to her: "We will see, little thorn."

Elara pushed the plan aside, focusing in rather on the task ahead. She planned to turn another page when a sensitive bang shocked her. Lirael stepped in, her appearance one of affirmation.

"You appear like you haven't snoozed," Lirael murmured, setting a plate of tea on the table. "I couldn't rest, in light of everything. Kept on considering all of the habits in which this custom could end up being terrible."

Elara gave her a little, grateful smile. "If we do this right, the Secret One will not get an open door. Moreover, I have you with me."

Lirael's face mellowed, but stress shined in her eyes. "Likewise, you have Toren, also. He's at this point up, gathering a couple of trimmings he requests will help 'ground' us during the custom."

Elara looked toward the window, feeling the greatness of the commitment press heavier on her. "Fantastic. We truly need all the help we with canning get."

Hours sometime later, Elara, Lirael, and Toren progressed into the woodlands to a separated dell where they expected to play out the custom. Toren had requested this region, fighting that the energy of the forest area would strengthen their charm and backing the crown's restricting. The light isolated through the covering above, making frightening concealed regions across their way as they progressed into the clearing.

They had hardly started coordinating the stylized parts when a voice called out, leaving them dumbfounded.

"Aiming to lock away the Secret One without inviting me?"

Elara went strongly to see Lyra ascending out of the trees, her arms imploded and a smile playing extremely popular. Her green cover undulated like the leaves as she walked around them, eyes sparkling with dangerous diversion.

Lirael shivered, wandering protectively before Elara. "We don't need you, Lyra. This custom is risky, and it's everything except a game."

Lyra raised an eyebrow, looking through and through uninterested. "Generous, I understand it's everything except a game, Lirael. Which is the explanation you'll require all the power you can get. I know two or three spells that could uphold the bonds significantly further. But on the off chance that, clearly, you'd incline toward miss the mark?"

Toren took a gander at Elara, a scowl pulling at his lips. "Elara, this is your decision."

Elara floundered, her mind hustling. Lyra was skilled, and her understanding into wizardry could have a certified impact in confining the Secret One. Nonetheless, the longing in Lyra's eyes was obvious, and Elara couldn't shake the tendency that captivating her solidarity bring more trouble than help.

Following a second, she fixed, meeting Lyra's look consistently. "Fine. You can oblige us, but I'm advised you — this custom is certainly no real way to show what you can do. We're here to keep the Secret One contained."

Lyra's smile expanded, her eyes sparkling with barely masked intensity. "Clearly, Elara. I wouldn't dream about going after our success."

With a reluctant signal, Elara motioned to Toren and Lirael to proceed with their game plans. Together, they spread out flavors, diamonds, and old pictures around the crown, each meticulously situated by the rules from the grimoire. As they began presenting, Elara felt a mumble of energy rise around them, a pulsating mind-set that matched the heartbeat of the real boondocks.

The crown rested in the point of convergence of the circle, enveloped by glimmering candles. Elara took a full breath, then, motioned at Lirael and Toren. "This present time is the best opportunity."

Them four began to present, their voices twisting around together as the pictures around them started to sparkle. Power traveled through Elara, rough and electric, the force of the old witchcraft flooding like a course through her veins. She held her hold hands, focusing in her perspectives on the restricting — on locking the Secret One away for good.

As their voices rose, the breeze got, whipping through the trees and snuffing out the candles exclusively. Elara's heart hustled, but she kept discussing, pouring every ounce of her will into the spell. Correspondingly as the last light glimmered out, a penetrating yell broke the air, chilling them generally where it counts.

The Secret One's voice resonated around them, maddened and safe. "You need to tie me? You are just children, playing with powers outside your capacity to fathom!"

Elara's knees fastened under the force of the Secret One's rage, yet she held her ground, grasping to the song, no matter what. Some place out of the way, she saw Lyra flop, her eyes expanding in fear.

"Elara," Toren hollered over the crying breeze, "we truly need to finish the melody, by and by!"

Elara obliged herself to center, relating the last articulations of the spell with every ounce of fortitude she had left. The breeze roared around them, and the ground under their feet shivered, but Elara didn't flounder. She could feel the Secret One's presence, fuming against the restricting, pawing at the edges of the spell as it endeavored to break free.

Finally, with one last surge of power, the spell fit appropriately. The air grew still, and a significant quietness fell over the clearing. The crown lay unmoving in the point of convergence of the circle, its sparkle obscuring to a weak heartbeat.

Elara sank to her knees, panting, her entire body shaking with exhaustion. She respected find Toren and Lirael watching her, lightening scratched on their appearances. Lyra stood several means away, her disposition garbled, but a sprinkle of frustration flickered in her eyes.

"It's done," Toren muttered, his voice contacted with amazement. "The Secret One is contained."

Elara motioned, swallowing hard as the reality of what they'd accomplished sank in. Nevertheless, even as help washed over her, a touch of uneasiness remained, lurking in her sub-still, small voice. She couldn't shake the tendency that the Secret One's anger was off by a long shot to spent — that it was simply anticipating its chance, holding on for the accompanying an open door to break free.

As they collected their things and prepared to leave the dell, Lyra paused, her look fixed on the crown. "You could have set out it toward the present, Elara," she said prudently, "but recall — power like that never truly stays contained. Some way or another, it for the most part finds a way."

Elara met her look, her own eyes hard. "Then we'll be ready. Anything it takes, we'll keep it contained."

Lyra's smile was slight, her eyes shining with a test. "We'll see."

With that, she changed and evaporated into the trees, leaving Elara, Lirael, and Toren alone in the clearing. Elara watched her go, a critical weight picking her shoulders. Lyra's words held up to her, a quiet caution of the battles coming up soon.

Regardless, as she looked at Lirael and Toren, staying close to her, she felt a blaze of trust. Together, they had defeated the Secret One and emerged victorious. Also, anything that lack of definition lay ahead, she understood they would face it together.