Chapter Thirteen

A chill dawn broke over Ashwood Palace, projecting a staggering light across the posts that lined as far as possible. Warriors and mages were by then organized along the walls, their plans faint against the pale morning sky. Elara remained among them, her hand laying delicately on the grip of her sword as she filtered the skyline.

The air was tense, thick with supposition. Her heart beat as she quit, feeling the Thorned Crown's weight like a quiet censure.

Then, a low thunder went through the ground, vibrating up through the stone walls. Shadows crawled over the inclination, dull shapes moving and assembling like an unholy tempest.

"They're here," Toren mumbled, his voice unsurprising at any rate dreary.

Elara's grasp fixed on her sharp edge. The Mystery One's powers had showed up.

The central wave spilled over forward — an enormous number of phantoms, their undeniable plans bursting all through sight as they moved with unnatural speed. Behind them were the shades, faint figures shrouded in fog, their eyes sparkling faintly red.

"Toxophilite, prepared!" Toren woofed, his voice driving forward the ruckus.

A line of bowmen pulled back their bows, bolts tipped with silver glinting in the fragile light. Elara lifted her hand, her voice conceivable and unafraid. "On my solicitation… at this point!"

The bolts loosed as one, cutting through the air with a risky accuracy. Some tracked down their etching, invading the apparitions and making them separate into faint murkiness. Nonetheless, more continued coming, brave, their creepy cries spinning everywhere.

"Set yourselves up!" Lirael called, her voice consistent as she started expecting, her hands moving in tangled plans. A shining snag of light showed up before the fighters, a wary safeguard that held down the animals pushing forward.

The specters rammed into the breaking point, yelling as the light consumed them. Elara could feel the Mystery One's power beating through his military, dull and productive. He was endeavoring her, pushing her securities, searching for any deficiency.

As the animals tore at the breaking point, Elara engaged, seeking after the Thorned Crown's power. It spilled over inside her, maddened and referencing, filling her with a strength that was both motivating and frightening. She lifted her hand, her voice ringing out with power. "By the force of Ashwood and the Crown, I demand you to fall!"

The words were not really out of her mouth when a flood of unbelievable energy burst from her, clearing across the war zone. Indistinct dreams and shades isolated on influence, their cries cut off as they disseminated into nothingness.

A cheer rose from the bosses, yet Elara comprehended the fight was off by a long shot to wrapped up. This was just the start.

All of a sudden, a weak figure showed up at the edge of the fight zone, his development clouded by spinning shadows. He lifted his hand, and the additional animals stopped, their red eyes fixed on Elara.

The Mysterious One.

Elara felt a contamination fear settle over her. Without a doubt, even from this distance, his presence was smothering, a void of smallness that took the necessary steps to swallow everything. She pushed ahead, meeting his look across the very front.

"Elara… " His voice was a mutter carried on the breeze, contacting her ears like a frightening touch. "You figure your fragile confirmations can stop me? This space will be mine."

"Not effectively," Elara spat, lifting her edge. "Ashwood has a spot with its family, not to a good-for-nothing camouflaging in shadows."

The Mysterious One snickered, a sound that cooled her significant off. "Solid words, insignificant sovereign. In any case, coarseness won't save you."

With a flick of his hand, he sent one more flood of animals forward — more prominent, fiercer. These were not fundamental phantoms or shades; they were curved monsters, their bodies defensively covered, their catches glinting like steel.

"Yet again maintain some kind of control!" Elara hollered, her voice solid as she lifted her sharp edge, bringing the Crown's power.

Caelan showed up near her, his face not forever set up. "I'll cover your left flank. Lirael's supporting the cutoff, however it won't hold until the end of time."

Elara flagged, her look fixed on the pushing monsters. "We battle until the last wheeze. For Ashwood."

Together, they ran into the fight, edges conflicting with the animals' defensively covered stows away. All of Elara's progressions felt like it was facilitated by the Crown, her strikes all of the seriously astonishing, her reflexes more honed. She felt alive, consumed by the fight's power.

Toren battled nearby her, his sharp edge blasting as he cut down a never-ending series of monsters, his center fearless. In spite of the tumult around them, he found one second to look at her, his eyes piled up with a savage affirmation that matched her own.

"We're with you, Elara," he said, his voice merciless yet unsurprising.

Their battle was an obscurity of steel, blood, and appeal. The monsters continued to come, each not completely permanently established than the last. Regardless, each time Elara felt herself faltering, she sought after the Crown's power, allowing it to flood through her, saving serious strong regions for her.

Anyway, the Mysterious One watched from the shadows, his look never leaving her. Elara could feel his taking a gander at presence, his weak power squeezing against her frontal cortex, testing her confirmation.

"Elara," his voice muttered to her, a weak enticement that made her shudder. "You can't win. Yield, and I will give you resilience. Conflict with, and I will crush all you hold dear."

She ground her teeth, finishing off his voice. "I'm not alarmed by you."

The Mystery One's giggling resounded to her. "Extreme words, yet mental grit alone can't save you."

As she struck down the last monster, the fight zone fell quiet. The extras of the Mystery One's military pulled out, their shadowy plans dissolving into the dimness. Elara remained in the midst of the destruction, her chest hurling, her sharp edge smooth with faint blood.

In any case, the Mysterious One stopped, his look fixed on her with an obligation of counter. "This isn't finished, insignificant sovereign. I will return. Moreover, later on, your significant Crown won't save you."

With that, he evaporated, leaving essentially the delicate reverberation of his strong declaration in the underlying fragment of the day air.


As the authorities looked out for the hurt and cleaned the fight zone, Elara felt a significant exhaustion settle over her. The fight had been won, right now the Mystery One's words tormented her, a weak shadow sneaking toward the sides of her frontal cortex.

Toren drew closer, his security battered in any case his look unsurprising. "Elara, might you at any point say you are okay?"

She dealt with a little, drained grin. "We won, didn't we?"

He flagged, his appearance loosening up. "No ifs, ands or buts, yet at what cost?"

Elara looked around, seeing the cost the fight had taken on her loved ones. The Thorned Crown's power had saved them, yet she could feel its cost upsetting her spirit. She comprehended the Mysterious One was unequivocally in a particular something — this was misguided the imprint to wrapped up.

"We'll have to arrange, support our protections," she said, her voice unsurprising. "The Mysterious One will strike from this point forward, and later on, he'll be ready."

Toren put a consoling hand on her shoulder. "Then, we'll be prepared as well. We're with you, Elara. Persistently."

She motioned, drawing strength from his words. They had won this fight, right now the conflict was just beginning. Moreover, a comparative length as the Mysterious One undermined her space, she would stand prepared to challenge him — regardless of what the expense.