"So, what is it you want to do, Gaon?" The voice rang in my head, relentless, pushing at the fragile walls of my mind. "Do you want to take all that frustration, all that jealousy, and throw it at those below you? Tear apart the happiness they have? You could you know. You have the power. You could wipe them all out in an instant, take away their peaceful little lives. None of them would even feel it, would even know what happened. So, why do you hesitate? Could it be that somewhere deep inside, there's still some part of you that's human? No... Even if you were once human, you were never really one of them. In your heart, you've always been above them."
The words hung in the air, like a stinging wound I couldn't bandage, an accusation I couldn't escape. Is that how it really is?