Chapter 73: Under the Moonlight

After driving to the Beacon Hills Preserve, Scott stepped out of his car and inhaled the crisp night air. The full moon hung high in the sky, casting a silver glow over the forest. He turned to his pack. 

"Alright, guys." He said, his voice filled with anticipation. "It's time to let your inner wolves out." 

Stiles practically bounced in place. "Me first! Let me do it first!" 

Scott rolled his eyes with a playful grin. "Alright, Stiles. Show us what you've got." 

Stiles stepped forward, taking a deep breath. He stared up at the glowing moon, his expression shifting from nervous excitement to focused determination. Slowly, his eyes glowed a bright yellow, fur sprouting along his cheeks, and claws extended from his fingertips. 

He let out a sharp exhale, flexing his fingers. "Whoa. This is… totally different from before! I feel amazing. And I think I can go even further!" 

Scott nodded, encouraging him. "Focus. Let that feeling take over completely." 

Stiles nodded and closed his eyes, taking a moment to center himself. When he opened them, his transformation surged forward. His clothes ripped apart as fur spread across his body. Moments later, he stood in his full wolf form, a massive brown wolf, easily the size of a tiger. 

When Stiles tried to speak, a bark escaped his mouth instead. 

Lydia, standing nearby, burst out laughing. "You did end up as a dog after all!" 

Stiles growled, then spoke, his voice deeper and rougher than usual. "What dog? Oh—wait, I can talk now! This is harder than I thought, but… this is so cool." 

He turned to Scott, his yellow eyes glowing brightly. "I can finally feel that connection you and Melissa were talking about. It's like... I'm part of something bigger now." 

Scott nodded. "Welcome to the pack, Stiles." 

Boyd stepped forward, cracking his neck. "Alright, my turn." 

He shifted seamlessly, his eyes glowing fiercely as fur grew along his cheeks. His transformation continued, and moments later, he stood as a dark gray wolf, slightly larger than Stiles. 

Isaac followed next, stepping forward without hesitation. His shift was smooth and graceful, his wolf form emerging as a striking mix of gold, gray, and white. 

Scott felt the bond between them grow stronger with every transformation. His pack was becoming more complete. He could feel their strength fueling his own. 

"Not bad." Scott said with a smirk. 

Scott turned to the girls. "Alright, ladies, your turn. Go behind the cars to shift. We'll wait here." 

Allison, Lydia, and Erica moved behind the cars, Melissa accompanying them for support. 

A few moments later, a stunning white wolf stepped out first. Allison padded gracefully over to Scott, her white fur gleaming under the moonlight. 

Scott rubbed her head affectionately. "How do you feel, Allison?" 

Allison's deep, pleasant voice came through clearly. "I feel incredible. Like every part of me is alive. How do I look?" 

Scott smiled warmly. "You look amazing. Completely white, like freshly fallen snow." 

The sound of soft footsteps brought their attention back to the cars. a golden-yellow wolf emerged, its sleek fur shimmering in the moonlight. 

Allison turned toward her friend, her voice warm. "Erica, you look beautiful." 

Erica replied. "You look gorgeous too, Allison." 

"Alright." Scott said, his voice cutting through the moment. "We're not done yet. Let's see how Lydia's transformation goes. She's been quiet back there." 


"Lydia." He called out. "What's the holdup? Why aren't you coming out yet?" 

A nervous voice came back. "Give me a moment!" 

Behind the cars, Lydia stood with her arms crossed over her chest, her shirt shredded from her transformation. She looked at Melissa, her golden eyes filled with embarrassment. "What do I do? I can't let them see me like this." 

Melissa chuckled softly. "Don't worry, I've got you." She grabbed the torn remains of Lydia's clothes and tied them securely around her chest. "There. That should work for now. By the way, can you use those?" 

Lydia glanced at the massive black wings now unfurled behind her. "Let me try." 

With a tentative flap, she managed to lift herself slightly off the ground. Her confidence grew, and soon she was airborne, albeit a bit unsteady. She flew toward Scott and the others. 

Stiles, let out a bark that shifted into a deep, awestruck voice. "Whoa! Lydia, you've got wings!" 

Scott watched her with admiration. "Can you fully shift into an animal form, Lydia?" 

Hovering above them, Lydia looked down at him, her glowing eyes narrowing in concentration. "No… I don't think so. Not yet." 

Scott nodded thoughtfully. "I see. Do you know what kind of bird you are?" 

Lydia hesitated before responding, her voice thoughtful. "I think it's a crow. Banshees are often linked to crows in supernatural lore, so it makes sense. Actually…" She paused, closing her eyes. "Let me try something." 

Moments later, the sound of flapping wings echoed through the woods as a flock of crows descended toward Lydia, circling her in a synchronized dance. 

Lydia opened her eyes. "I can understand them. I can command them." 

To demonstrate, she sent the flock after Stiles. 

"Hey, hey!" Stiles yelped, running in circles as the crows swooped at him. "Lydia, call them off! I don't want to hurt your feathered friends!" 

Lydia laughed, her voice light but mischievous, and waved the crows away. They dispersed into the woods as she gracefully landed beside Scott. 

Scott gave her an approving look. "Nice trick. Can you use your voice as a weapon now?" 

Lydia turned toward a nearby tree, inhaled deeply, and screamed. A powerful sound wave erupted from her, shattering the tree into splinters and sending it flying. 

"Cool." Lydia said with a smirk, brushing her hair back. "But I'll need some practice to perfect that." 

Scott grinned and said, "Alright, you guys are officially werewolves, and a… werecrow or whatever you want to call yourself, Lydia." 

Lydia glared at him. "I'm a banshee, Scott. Just call me a banshee." 

Stiles tilted his wolf head, his yellow eyes gleaming with mischief. "But you are a crow." 

Lydia crossed her arms. "I am, but I prefer banshee." 

Scott chuckled. "Banshee it is. Now, the next step is for you to absorb powers from other creatures, evil ones of course, and become Alphas. Once that happens, you guys will be able to shift to your full werewolf forms, and Lydia, you might be able to transform fully into a crow… or something like a harpy."

He paused. "Also, don't forget, you can all use telepathy now." 

Stiles, ever the joker, barked. "Great pep talk, Mr. Alpha. Now, how about we race? Let's see who's the fastest! And no cheating, Scott and Melissa are banned from competing." 

Lydia rolled her eyes. "Not fair. I can't run as fast as you guys in your wolf forms." 

Allison chuckled. "Says the girl with wings." 

Lydia blinked, then laughed. "Right. Forgot about that." 

Stiles wagged his tail. "Don't mind the crow, guys. Let's run!" 

Lydia's eyes flared. "What did you just call me, Stiles?" 

Sensing danger, Stiles bolted into the woods, his wolf form disappearing into the shadows. "See you guys later!" He called back. 

Boyd and Isaac howled before dashing after him, their powerful forms moving like shadows through the trees. Allison and Erica followed close behind, their excitement palpable. 

Lydia flapped her wings, albeit awkwardly, and took off after them. 

Scott turned to Melissa. "Let's go." 

Melissa nodded, her transformation fluid and elegant. Together, they shifted into their massive wolf forms, their fur glistening in the moonlight. 

The pack ran together, their movements synchronized as they tore through the forest. Eventually, they reached a hill overlooking Beacon Hills, the lights of the town twinkling below. 

Scott, in his enormous black wolf form, raised his head and let out a powerful howl. The sound reverberated through the night, a declaration to every supernatural being in the area: Beacon Hills belonged to his pack. 

One by one, his pack joined in, their howls echoing across the town. Together, they stood as one—strong, united, and unstoppable.