2nd entry

Season: Summer

Weather: Cloudy, hot, 38 deg Celsius. Still need an air conditioner or something to help keep me cool other than lying on the cool floor tiles. Being baked in an oven. That's what it feels like. At least the humidity has dropped somewhat to 78%.

Day of the week: Wednesday

Date: 3rd January, 2024

It's been years since old Aunty Flor gave me this journal. I forgot all about it until I unearthed it in a search for a suitable birthday present for my younger sister, Bezel. Why Bezel would want that old pair of crooked hairpins that Great-Grandma gave me when we were little kids, I don't know. I hope she's happy with it.

I had to hot glue gun the little sparkly plastic gemstones back into the floral brackets so that it didn't look so bad. At least, I think the gemstones are plastic. They are plastic, right? Bezel said they were plastic.

I've never really understood my younger sister properly. I doubt I ever will. It's as if we are aliens from different worlds when we get together. We might roughly understand the other person because we're both speaking the same language, and yet, it might as well be a foreign language. All sorts of misunderstandings arise for no reason over things as simple as thanking the other for passing the salt but receiving a tissue instead. Or asking for chilli sauce and then being asked when I'll be going to the airport. Or suggesting she gets a hearing test done only to have a bowl of soup flung at my face because she thought I needed cooling down.

Thankfully, the soup was not hot.

Does it make sense to you?

Other people listening in tend to be bemused by us as well. All I can do is to clearly text message her to ask what she wants and then give her exactly what she asked for. No more and no less.

I wish I got along with her better. Bezel is a lovely girl when we're not having a spat. She deserves more than I give her, but how do you tell a cranky person covered in spikes who believes the worst in everyone and thinks no one loves or cares about her that you love her?

Everything you try to say or do for her is taken the wrong way. Only she is right and everyone else is wrong. It's always someone else's fault and never hers. Everyone always has it in for her or is jealous of her.

Honestly, there's nothing to be jealous or envious of. When we were young, I might have been jealous of all the attention she got as the youngest and prettiest child in the family. But not now. She's still the prettiest now, but she's had so many boyfriends and been dumped so many times that she seems to have stopped believing in love.

Sometimes I just want to wrap my arms around her, spikes and all and just tell her to relax. It's ok. I love her for who she is and not just her face. I love her because she's my sister and she doesn't have to keep building walls between us. I'm not going to spoil her and pamper her like all her boyfriends did and then pull the rug out from under her by betraying her or trying to steal what is most precious to her.

Last I tried to hug her, I got hit so hard in the head that I had to go to hospital with a concussion. Maybe I scared her? Maybe she hates me? I hope she doesn't hate me.

The only thing I can think of that she might hate me for is the time I swapped our pillows when we were kids without telling her because I had squashed a spider on her pillow. I didn't get the chance to tell her.

That evil best friend of hers made a fuss and then I never got to say afterwards. She thought I was always trying to steal her things after that. I don't understand. I really don't.

Bezel, one day, I'm going to either tie you up and gag you so that I can talk to you properly, or I'm going to sit on you and beat you up until you can't talk or move, so that I can talk to you and explain everything properly. Please, just grow up already and stop thinking the world revolves around you. At least let me finish my sentences when I'm trying to talk to you.