8th entry

Season: Summer

Weather: Thunderstorms all day

Day of the week: Sunday

Date: 21st January, 2024

It's funny how when working from home, somehow, my colleagues and I end up working non-stop. At least, those of us without families or children to worry about.

Once we wake up and freshen up, we'll be staring at each other's bleary eyes on the screen with a mug of coffee, tea or some other wake-me-up beverages in hand, trying to remember where we left off the previous evening. Once the morning huddle is out of the way, we get stuck into our prioritised and re-prioritised work tasks for the day, diving in and out of meetings as our schedules demand. And then somehow, before we know it, it's 11:30pm and our tummies are rumbling. We haven't eaten all day, taken a sip of water and our tail bones are sore. Not to mention the full bladders. So we log off for the day after bidding each other goodnight or sharing a screen while eating our takeaway meals in order to experience some form of non-work socialisation, which inexplicably turns into another mini impromptu work meeting.

The weekend comes like a slap to the face and we emerge from our work cocoons, confused, dazed and unable to remember what life outside work is like. And then just as we are starting to revel in the freedom of no work, the blessed weekend ends.

Tomorrow, it's back into the office. The window has been fixed. The electricity is back up and we're expected to arrive on time, all bright eyed and bushy tailed. One of the bosses promised those on my floor a present for being the hardest working department during this past week or so of online unrest. Or distress, according to one of my colleagues. It's been that busy.

I should remember to bring my lunch. The thing is, what should I pack for lunch?