I have learnt my lesson

I have learnt my lesson. From now on, I will no longer try to write as I go, writing by the seat of my pants. Going back to do revisions after publishing isn't appropriate in this kind of setting and isn't really feasible. It's not fair for the readers.

As such, in the future, I should finish writing the story, finish editing it, and then only publish it. Some small edits might be made after publishing, so that things like spelling, grammar and spell checker uncorrections can be fixed (you know when spell checker insists that it is right and you are wrong and changes the words you used).

Which means, there'll be two stories I have written that will be left by the wayside, waiting for the day and time when I finally get around to finishing and editing them - a process that may take years if any of my other stories are anything to go by. So, that leaves me with the question: do I leave the unfinished stories as is for now or do I remove them?