“I can’t do this anymore I’m so tired, this writers block might be the end for me” Ruby slammed her head on her desk because she couldn’t come up with a good idea for her book she has been writing recently.
Ruby Lee dreams to be a famous writer and be able to show everyone that she can fulfill her dreams on her own especially after leaving her parents house promising to be famous by the time she returns. Her family were not in support of her dreams but they still showed respect for her dreams and gave her time to prove herself.
At first it was hard to leave on her own, she met bad friends and good ones, made some decisions she regrets but she learned from them and she was always a positive person so it was quick for her to adapt to the middle class life.
Even when she was living in wealth she didn’t disclose her personal information to others because she didn’t want people to treat her differently but it only made people disregard her.
“ I should go get some food from store downstairs before I continue this chapter, it’s already 2pm and I haven’t had lunch yet.” Ruby made her way through her room that looked more like a dump than where a normal human being lives since she was too lazy to clean up and made her way out wearing a hoodie and a pair of gray sweatpants.
As she exists her apartment her comes across some movers who were moving some things into the apartment next to her. “Seems like I have a new neighbor” Ruby thought to herself as she made her way down the stairs.
When she got to the convenient store, she greeted the guy at the resister and made her way to get what she always does which are cup noodles and instant coffees. Since she started living alone Rudy discovered that she couldn’t cook to save her life, everything she tried to cook either got burnt or look like something not even rats would eat so she either eats noodles or orders take out.
Ruby finished grabbing what she needed and as turned around her face hit someone’s chest, the chest was so firm that Rudy subconsciously started feeling it. “Wow it’s so firm and soft” Ruby thought to herself before a clearing of someone’s throat brought her back to her senses making her step back and apologize to the person.
The man looked at her as she apologized, he was shocked and amused at the same time it’s the first time he has seen a girl this bold and stupid. He just sighed and left the pervert Ruby behind hoping not to see her again, he went out the store and went upstairs to his new apartment not knowing that he just met his new neighbor.
Meanwhile Rudy was cursing herself for what she did “ how could I do something so embarrassing, I wish the floor could open up and swallow me, I’m so glad he didn’t say anything or I would have been reported as a pervert, mom would kill me if she found out”. After Ruby checked out she went back to her apartment, she saw that the movers were still moving so she offered them some refreshments and went back into her apartment.
After finished the chapter she was struggling with she heard her phone ringing and the caller was her best friend Lily, she recently got married and is currently enjoying her honeymoon in Jeju-si. They have been friends since high school and they are both from upper class family but unlike Ruby, Lily was already successful as she is the only child of her family and inherited the family business and Jack her husband is also a wealthy man but unlike most high class men he is more down to earth.
“ Hey babe how have you been doing while mother has been away, hope your not missing me too much” Lily asked Ruby teasingly making Ruby laugh because she really did miss her best friend.
“This baby really misses you, if it wasn’t for that husband of yours you wouldn’t have felt me alone” Lily laughed and a voice from the background said “don’t be jealous” and the voice belonged to Jack .
“Don’t worry about him you know I love you more than him and if you want I can make a trip back to San Diego just for you, just give me the go ahead and I’ll fly back immediately” Lily said in a serious voice making her husband say “babe” in disbelief at what his wife was saying.
“ Don’t worry I’ll just let him have you for now but when you come back I’m going to steal you away from him, so he better behave while his there or I’ll give him a good beating when he comes back” after a few laughs they both caught up with each other and talked about a lot of things.
“Ok I’ll call you when we get back ok bye baby” Lily said her goodbye and Ruby did the same. After the call ended Ruby decided to clean her apartment after seeing the state she left it in so she picked up a broom and blasted some music while she cleaned.
By the time she finished cleaning it was almost 5pm, the music was still playing at full volume so she danced a little bit. The sound of her door bell continuously ringing made her turn down her music to check who it was at this hour, it’s not like she remembered ordering anything thing.
She went to open the door since the person didn’t stop ringing the doorbell and as she opened it she was great with the view of an extremely handsome man but what she noticed was the familiar chest she bumped into earlier at the convenient store, Ruby was shocked thinking the man might be here to arrest her for harassing him before.
“So it’s you the pervert from before and here I was thinking I won’t see you again huh, anyways I came to tell you to turn your music down since I just moved in and I don’t really like noises especially when I’m about to eat”. Immediately he said eat Ruby’s stomach thought it was the right time to speak up making Ruby blush in embarrassment and the man laughed.
“Oh it seems your hungry so if you don’t mind would you like to join?” the man offered and since she was given the chance to eat free food she agreed.
“ By the way I’m Ruby” Ruby introduced herself with her hand stretched out and the man shook her and said “ I’m Louis and I’ll be in your care from now on”.
As Louis left to his apartment, Ruby freshened up and dressed up in a t-shirt and shorts before going over to Louis’s apartment. Ringing the doorbell she waited until Louis opened the door and offered her to come inside.
Entering the apartment Ruby noticed that his apartment was well arranged and clean unlike hers and he had a cute cat who was sitting in the couch so she went to play with it while Louis set the food out on the dinner table.
“She seems to have taken a liking to you which is surprising since she hardly let’s strangers come close to her” Louis said as he saw Ruby playing with his cat and seeing them together made him think that they both seem alike making him chuckle to himself.
They both had dinner and after eating Ruby offered to wash the dishes. But while she was busy washing Louis came from behind her and trapped her by putting his hands on the counter making her unable to escape.
“Didn’t you learn that you shouldn’t follow strangers into their homes like that especially since the person is an adult male or where you expecting this?” Louis whispered in Ruby’s ear making something run down her body and she felt strange.
“I know your not like that and I’m sure you can’t do something like that because your not a bad person so stop joking around Louis” Ruby let out a nervous laugh since she was a little scared.
But Louis suddenly pressed himself against her back making Ruby turn stiff then said “ how can you be so sure about that when we just meet each other today and I never told you anything about myself to make you say I’m a good person”. Ruby became more scared as Louis brought his face closer to her making her close her eyes and make a silent prayer.
When she thought all hope was lost, she heard Louis laugh behind her before backing away from her, when Ruby noticed it she turned around to see Louis still laughing at her making her confused but relieved.
“ I won’t do anything to you but you really should be careful when coming into someone’s house especially if the person is someone you don’t know even if I didn’t do anything doesn’t mean someone else won’t ok” Louis said to Ruby and she nodded her head in understanding.
After staying at little bit she left to her own apartment but before she left Louis offered her to come by anytime and that he won’t pounce on her like he did, which Ruby agreed to before finally leaving and going into her own apartment.
Entering the apartment Ruby immediately went over to her laptop because she just got an idea of what to write since she was stuck on how she was to start the relationship between the female and male lead since the story revolves around the female lead being a college student who meets the male lead who is a popular but mysterious boy but Ruby didn’t know how she would introduced the romance between them she has been bothered by it but with all that happened to her today she decided to write it down in her story.
After Ruby finished, she went to sleep since it was already very late but remembering how close Louis was with her earlier she squealed like a school girl rolling around her bed before telling herself to calm down and go to sleep.