Hello and my name is Damon and I’m the top free fire gamer in the world. It’s a long story but I’m going to tell you anyway, that’s what I’m here for actually. It all started like four years ago. There was the covid 19 pandemic and the entire world was on lockdown. My bros back in my basic school wanted a way for us to stay in touch, communicate and have fun at the same time so we decided to use online games for that purpose. We agreed on two games, free fire and call of duty mobile (C O D MOBILE). In the beginning, our plan was working until some of my bros progressed and became professional players while the rest of us lacked behind. Most of those who lacked behind decided to quit the game and so did I but just when I was about to quit, I decided to play one last game in a random squad when I ended up in a team of two girls and one guy. There were professionals and the best I’ve seen. After I told them I was quitting cause I’m bad at the game, one of the girls told me not to and offered to teach me how to play the game. She went by the gamer name snowflake. The guy in the squad agreed to also help me progress. I got really excited about this when the third member of the team also offered to support me. It was a brand new journey for me. The second lady in the team had the gamer name danger force and the guy had the gamer name ghost. I was invited to join their guild which was the blaze army and it was a pretty fun one. The members were extremely nice and they also had a whatsapp group where they all communicated with each other. As they begun to train me in the game, they introduced me to two girls who were also identical twins. They were known as skyler and scarlet with the gamer names bbygirl ninja and e_ninja respectively. The twins thought me how every gun in the game works, from pistols to grenade launchers. I begun to train with each gun and I could see myself progress with each passing day. When I got a little better at the game, they dropped me in a squad game and then bailed on me. Before they left, they told me to try to survive in a solo vs. squad lobby and see how it goes for me. It was a really difficult task but I did my best to survive and came out in the 12th position out of 13 squads. My gun studies continued and I finally found my type of guns. I mastered how to use snipers after about a month and half and soon I was as good as the top sniper of the guild. The guild could take only one top sniper to guild wars and ghost had told the guild leader to pick me. The top sniper at the moment was not having that so a room match was scheduled for the two of us. A game of snipers where the best sniper would be taken to the guild war. I received a text from snowflake who I recently found out was actually called Talia to make sure I win and she asked me to equip the hackers eye skill. I asked no questions and equipped the hacker’s eye skill immediately. I picked the M82B sniper which had the ability to penetrate the protective wall built by the player. It was known as the gloo wall. I had never used the hacker’s eye skill so when I asked Talia how it worked, she said it allows you to see your enemy once he is hit by your shot even when he runs into hiding. I finally understood what to do in the game. When the match begun, the other sniper equipped the AWM sniper which had higher damage intensity than the M82B. The opponent sniper was using the deadly velocity skill which increased the damage of his bullets by some percentage. When the first round started, he shot me and due to the equipped skill, I was eliminated by the first shot. There winner needs seven points so all hope was not lost. He was now leading me with one point and by the second round, his deadly velocity skill was on cool down. I shot his limbs instead of his head making him build a gloo wall to heal and with the M82B, I was able to shoot him through the wall because I knew his position with the help of the hackers eye skill. Luckily, the hacker’s eye skill did not need any cool down so I was good to use it whenever I want. The rest of the match went the same way then during the final round, I decided to switch one of my M82Bs for an AWM. In the beginning, I shot him with the AWM which reduced his hp by 150 out of the full health of 200 then as I predicted when he hid behind the wall to heal up, I delivered the last shot and won the match up with the winning points of 7:1.