Chapter 1: Mortal life


A young man in an old suit is currently walking home from work. He is 6'3 has short dreads that dangles as he walks and looks mostly average.

He arrived in front of a normal looking bungalow and stops. He takes out his keys from his bag and and unlocks the gate to enter. He enters the compound and


His dog came to him jumping around him in joy. He smiles, bends down and pets his dog.

"Welcome home son." He hears a feminine voice in front of him. He looks up to see a woman in her late fourties sitting on a chair and chopping vegetables.

He leaves the dog walks forward and prostrates.

She smiles at him and asks"how was work Samuel?"

"It was okay. Mum where is dad?" He asks looking into the sitting room through the window.

"He said he was going to his friend's places to discuss something on your behalf. He said if this goes well your life would move forward." She replies

"Don't worry mom. He will be back soon, I'm sure he can take care of his self. " Samuel says to his mother.

"Okay, go freshen up I'll set the table once I'm done with this ." She says to him as she continues with the vegetable.

"Okay mother." He replies the goes inside. He enters his room, takes off his clothes and takes a shower in the bathroom.

As he comes out of the bathroom his phone buzzed


Still with out any clothes but his towel around his waste he takes his phone to check who it is that message him.

It's a text from his friend ade. He opens his daze net app and clicks on the icon with his firmed picture to read the message sent.

Ade : what's up bro? I have good news.

Samuel: I'm good bro. What's the good news?

Ade :I got promoted to level three this afternoon.

Samuel :wow congratulations bro, you deserve it

Samuel work at a small bank branch while Ade works at one of the best tech companies in the country thanks to his parents. Although Samuel is happy for his friend you must understand how he feels. They started working at the same time. One has gotten two promotions while one is doesn't seem to be moving forward.

'life isn't fair ' Samuel thought to him self. He isn't jealous of his friend on the contrary he is happy for him as his friend is hard working regarding of his rich parents, he just wished he were alittle lucky. As he was lost in thought his phone buzzed again. He looked at the message

Ade : that's not the best part.

'more perks, life really isn't fair' he thought internally But replied anyway.

Samuel: what's the best part ?

Ade : as a level three data analyst I am now a supervisor. Only the hod and the assistant hod are above me.

Samuel: okay?

Ade: as a supervisor I can now suggest two analysts to my hod to employ every year. Although they might not be employed if they aren't qualified enough.

A joy started to swell in Samuel as he read this message.

Samuel : are you saying what I'm thinking ?

Ade : yes bro I'm saying what your thinking. I have already told the assistant head of department (hod) I'm bringing my first suggested person in a few days.

"Yes finally. Thank God hahahaha, my life is moving forward. Hahahahahahahaha-"


Ade: you there bro?

Samuel : yess yes, thank you bro you have no idea how happy I am. Thanks bro . Thank you.

Ade : don't worry bro. What are friends for? You always had my back in school so I obviously won't forget you. You were also one of my motivations, making me want to work hard. Just get your CV in order.

Samuel : I would. Thanks again.

Ade : I said you shouldn't mention it. Let's meet at 'da spot' (a bar) I'll treat you to a drink

Samuel : okay but I'll be the one treating you to a drink.

Ade : no I'll treat you to a drink. You can treat me to a drink the next time we meet to drink.

Samuel : okay thanks again. See you tomorrow.

Ade : see you bro.

Ade's point of view

He drops his phone with a smile on his face. He is happy he is able to help his close friend.

"Did you tell him? " A feminine voice brought him back from his thoughts.

He looked to his side to see the girl resting her head on his shoulder.

" No, not yet. Let him settle down first." Ade replied.

" Are you sure what your saying is true ? I have known him for ten years already " she asked turning her beautiful face to look at Ade.

" Yes I'm sure. The two reasons he didn't confess his love to you is because I told him I liked you before I knew he liked you and he'll feel like he is betraying me if he told me. (He sighs) The second reason is because he felt his life is to messed up to add more priorities to it. " Ade says

" We were all best friends. I'm wondering how my two best friends had feelings for me and I didn't know. " She says feeling confused

"Well you're a girl so it's obvious you wouldn't know and he is good at hiding his feelings. Although I discovered his gaze lingered on you I thought I was thinking to much till I was searching for some documents on his phone and came across a letter ge wanted to give you when we finished university. I then realized how he must have felt when I told him I like you and he realized he his chances with you were gone."

"What is I said I didn't like you? For all he knew then I might not like you" sha asks

"Samuel is someone who takes respect very seriously. Even if you didn't accept he wouldn't go after you in respect of me."

Ade replied

" I understand why you want to keep it from him for now. Although we're lucky to have him as a friend he is lucky to have us too"

She kisses him and stands up

"I'm going to bed"

He just nodded in response looking at her wonderful behind till it's..I mean she is out of sight.

The girl is named ireayo akinwumi. Samuel, Ade and her are close friends. They have been friends ever since they were in high school. She has long silky black hair, gem-like eyes and a beautiful body. Although she has a small body since she's 5'8, she has proportions that'll make a man drool. From her c cup mounds to her well shaped hips. It's no surprise both her friends developed feelings for her. She didn't reply date, Ade was a playboy and samuel was not the tyoe to date.

Although we don't know what she feels for Samuel all I can tell you is that she and Ade are together ini love and $#@#$.

Samuel's pov

He drops his phone on the bed and wears light clothes. He then picks his phone while heading to the dinning table to eat his dinner.

He walked to the dinning table where his mother was waiting for him.

" I heard you shouting, everything alright?"

His mom asked

" Everything is more than alright, it's fantastic " he said still not over the excitement.

" Oh what has made you so happy? " She asked him

" Ade just texted me now. He said he got promoted today"

"That's wonderful " she says although she doesn't understand why he is so happy.

" That's not all. He said he is now a supervisor and has been given the chance to suggest two candidate for level one jobs. He has picked me has one of the candidate."

He says excited.

" Wow wow, God has answered my prayers. This is wonderful news. I knew it was only a matter of time before you got a good job . She stands up and gives her son a hug.

"You father called, he said he would be home soon." She said

He starts eating his food " oh, what did you think he went for? "

"I'm not sure but I'm sure we'll know when he arrives."

She then focused on her food while Samuel shared the good news with his good friend slash forbidden crush ireayo.

Samuel : what's up ayo

Ireayo: I'm good, you?

Samuel : good, I finally got a decent job.

Ireayo who is feeling bad for keeping him in the dark replys

Ireayo : wow, congratulations you deserve it.

Samuel : thanks for always believing in me.

Ireayo: what's are friends for? I'm just happy for you.

Samuel : thanks again. Ade and I are going out for drinks tomorrow wanna come?

She wanted to decline feeling bad already that she has to lie to him but decides to accept since declining his good will would make him sour.

Ireayo : sure just text me the time and place.

Samuel : okay, it's at da spot, I'll text you the time tomorrow.

Ireayo : okay. Goodnight

Samuel : good night.

Just as he drops his phone someone comes in through the door.

His dad