Harrowing Sense Of Danger.

Finally, curiosity took over him and he peered at the source of... the harrowing sense of danger.

And when he saw it-


He couldn't help but suck in a cold deep breath as a cold chill ran down his spine.

The creature was otherworldly, a nightmarish creature that defied all sense of reason. Its towering menacing form was reminiscent of a nightmarish scarvenger, but grotesquely amplified.

Its carapace was bright crimson- not only that- but some parts of its towering form were a mixture of crimson and dark- a darkness that sent shivers slithering down his spine.

The scythes in particular were dark-crimson, their allure strangely mesmerizing- yet he knew without a doubt, that beneath the allure hid something hauntingly menacing.

...Something he would do well to steer clear of.