It's the next chapter and a bit early, too. Good for me lol.
VisineAnt, yes, at some point, he will be a director, and I had thought about using The Blair Witch Project but dropped it after I looked up how it is seen today. Needless to say not good so I am going to pass on it. That said, the Conjuring Universe, I so forgot about that. Thank you I am going to use that. If you have any more ideas, please feel free to share them.
Cyniade, I laughed my ass off at your comment, lol. Thank you for that.
Alpha_astro, you are right on two of them, and I think you know which.
Now I remember someone mentioning some Aisa films that they wanted me to put into the story, but to be honest, I know very little about them. Give me a list, and I will see about adding them. If anything the MC can help bring them to Hollywood.
Now on with the story.
Chapter 16
"And we are back, ladies and gentlemen, with Tiffani Thiessen and her new book After the Bell, a Tiffani Thiessen story. Tiffani, again, I want to say thank you for coming on the show tonight. It has been such a pleasure so far to have you." Howard Stern says to her.
"Thank you, Howard. I am happy to be here today," Tiffani says with a smile.
"And may I say you are looking as hot and sexy as ever," Howard says, eyeing her up and down in her low-cut dress that shows a lot of cleavage.
"Ah, thank you, Howard," Tiffani says and pushes the girls up for him to look at.
"Wow, God, wow, are those real? Those can't be real, right?" Howard asks while shamelessly looking at her tits.
"Howard," Robin says from his side.
But Tiffani is not offended. Having been on the show before, she knew what to expect from the man. "Oh, they are real Howard. Trust me, it's all-natural here."
"God, you are blessed. Mmmmm, so blessed, but moving on, your book After the Bell has hit shelves worldwide and gives a look into your private life like never before," Howard says.
"It does, it really does. Lots of juicy stories, from my time on Save by the Bell to 90210 and beyond." Tiffani says with a smirk.
"That it does. Mmmm, you have been a naughty girl, according to this book." Howard says in a playful but lustful voice.
"Only for the right people, Howard," Tiffani responds with a smirk.
"Yes, and two of those people are Caesar Espina and Salma Hayek," Howard states as a fact.
"Oh, I know where this is going. You read chapter 13, haven't you?" Tiffani says with a knowing look.
"Read it, jack off to it, and repeat," Howard responds bluntly.
Making Tiffani laugh. As that chapter has been blowing up the internet lately.
"But I need to ask, is it accurate?" Did you really have a threesome with Caesar and Salma Hayek while you were still dating Caesar?" Howard asks.
"Threesomes Howard. Not just one time." Tiffani says with a smile.
"You are such a bad girl." Howard jokes.
"It's always the quiet and sweet-looking ones, Howard," Tiffani says in a teasing voice.
"You are too much, but I am a little confused: according to your book, you and Salma were not exactly friends at that point in time. So, how did that happen? Can you give us a few more details that are not in the books?" Howard asks.
"Certainly, Howard, that isn't a problem. Let me think…. It began at a cookout at David Fincher's house. You know, it's just one of those small things friends do to relax. As you have pointed out, Salma and I were not friends back then. In fact, I could honestly say I hated her." Tiffani says bluntly.
"Was that because of Caesar?" Howard asks.
"Kind of ya, but at the same time, not really. You see, Howard, Caesar never talks about his exes. We were together on and off for the better part of 10 years, and he, of course, dated other women between those times. Yet, not once did he ever talk about them when we got back together." Tiffani says to him.
"Never?" Howard asks, finding that hard to believe.
"Never, I mean, yes, I knew about them, and if I had questions, he would answer them, but as far as comparing me to any of the others, he never did that," Tiffani says.
"That must have felt pretty good. To be with someone who does not discuss their past relationships. Howard says.
"You know something, Howard, you would think so, but honestly, it didn't make me feel good at all. In fact, for several years, I felt very insecure about it." Tiffani says.
"Really, why? I mean no offense, Tiffani, but I am looking at you right now and having trouble not jacking off." Howard says in a joking voice that earns a laugh from Tiff.
"Ah, thank you, Howard. You are so sweet." Tiffani answers back while laughing. "But no, really, I mean, I guess it was because I am a bitch. On the one hand, I did not want to hear about his past relationships, but on the other hand, I was curious.
"Tiffani, that is confusing." Howard points out bluntly.
"I, I know Howard. You see, I really wanted Salma to be a bitch. Like I wanted, no, I needed to hear him say she was the worst girlfriend ever. Thus, I might have felt superior to her, but he never did so. Tiff says.
"That asshole," Howard says with a smile.
"I know, right?" Tiffani says back.
"So, how did you deal with your insecurity?" Howard asks.
"Ah, by having kinky sex with my boyfriend," Tiffani answers back bluntly, which gets Howard laughing hard.
"And all for your boyfriend at the time. Tiff, would you like to consider dating for a while? Howards asks.
"Howard." Robin scolds him playfully from the side but is laughing as well.
"Just a couple of weeks, maybe a month or two, I swear," Howard says in his defense.
Laughing loudly, Tiff takes a few moments to calm down and answer, "Sorry, Howard. I am not insecure anymore, and it wasn't solely for Caesar.
She then winks at him, and Howard responds, "You bad, bad girl."
"You have no idea, Howard." She says playfully, but there is some truth in there as well. A lot may have changed over the years between Caesar and her, but well, a woman had her needs after all.
"You said that you were not friends with Salma back then, but you are now. Can I ask how that happened? Did it happen after the threesome or what?" Howard asks.
"Oh no, even after the threesome, we were still not friends. Not even close." Tiff answers.
"So, how did it happen?" Howard asks.
"Well, I mean, we didn't have a choice, I guess you can say. My son was born in March 1998, and Salma's daughter was born in early April of the same year." Tiffani answers.
"Oh right, I forgot about that. That was around the same time as the now-infamous fight at that nightclub, right?" Howard says, remembering the incident that solidified Caesar's reputation as someone who you really didn't want to fuck with in Hollywood.
"The same, and despite what the press said later, it wasn't Salma's pregnancy that saw us break up the first time. No, that was because of the club incident." Tiff says, remembering that time all too well and how badly she took it.
It was the day she finally realized how dangerous Caesar really was and how little he truly cared about his own life. Something that, at the time, she couldn't deal with, knowing she was about to have his child. After all, what good was a father that gave two shits a fuck about his own life. Would he even be alive to see their child take his first steps? Yeah, looking back, she reacted very badly to that incident.
"Hum," Was the only thing I could say as I sat across from Tiff, and Salma gave me the unexpected news.
I mean, maybe not entirely unexpected, seeing as I was well aware of the risks that came with fucking a woman without protection. I wasn't that dumb after all, and while I never took Sex Ed before I dropped out of school, I had seen enough movies and TV to see the results of being careless. Though I had assumed they were both on the pill, seeing as they never asked me to pull out. It seems like that was a mistake, but not a mistake I regretted.
Still, I have to ask, "Can you both repeat that, please?"
Looking at me somewhat regretfully, Salma says, "We are pregnant, Caesar."
I nod upon hearing it again. Yes, I didn't regret it at all. In fact, I wasn't sure how I felt right now. A part of me felt prideful about it. Here were two of Hollywood's hottest stars, and they were telling me they were carrying my child. A guy who just a few years ago was homeless and in juvey. On the other hand, I felt like an idiot because, again, here were two of Hollywood's hottest stars carrying my children. Two women who, if I was not careful, could nail my ass to the wall. Regarding the pregnancy itself, I did not feel much of anything. I wasn't happy, I wasn't sad. I just felt nothing. Perhaps that says a lot about me as a person.
Standing up slowly, I go to my living room window and look outside it.
"Caesar, I know this comes as a surprise…" Tiff starts to say, but I interrupt her.
"It's not a surprise, Tiff." I look back at the two women and shrug my shoulders. "Well, both of you simultaneously are, but no, this isn't a surprise. I wasn't careful and refused to wear a condom. It's as simple as that."
"I am happy to see you are taking this so well, Caesar," Salma says.
Again, I shrug my shoulders and say, "It is what it is."
Upon hearing my words, their once worried faces now turn to frowns. Perhaps that sounded too uncaring, I thought to myself, but well, it didn't matter. What mattered was what came next, so I am blunt when I ask my next question.
"What do you both want to do about this?"
"What do you mean, Caesar?" Salma asks.
"What do you two want? I can't marry both of you after all, and while I know nothing about how families work, I don't think it would be good for the children if we can't at least be civil about this," I say to them matter-of-factly.
Then, like a lightbulb went off in their heads, both Tiff and Salma came to a sudden realization. Caesar didn't know what being a father or a family meant. Having never had one before, how would he know how one worked? Something he had been very open and uncaring about from the start. It was easy to forget his mom was a crack whore, and he didn't even know who his father was. They may not have liked how he was responding to the news of them being pregnant, but really, did they have the right to expect more?
Shit once they really thought about it for a bit, they were honestly surprised that he wasn't taking it negatively. To him, it probably wouldn't be a big deal if a kid grew up without a father or mother. Yet here he was, accepting the news and asking them what they wanted to do about it. Making it clear he would do whatever it was they decided to do.
After a few more moments, Tiff asks, "Well, Caesar, do you want to be a part of this?"
That was a loaded question if I had ever heard one. Did I want to be a part of this? After thinking about it for a little bit, I answered in the only way that I could: "I am the father, right? A man does his duty."
Standing up, Salma says, "Okay then. I guess I will call you later than Caesar. Tiffani."
"Salma," Tiff says as we both watch the woman leave.
I had to wonder if either of them wondered at all how we would explain this shit to the media. Shit, I better call my agent and lawyer. My interesting life was about to become even more interesting.
A few months later, after I got the news of Tiff and Salma's pregnancy, I found myself dancing with Jennifer at a club with perhaps the worst type of music imaginable. Living the high life and all that shit and just having an overall good time. Or at least pretending that I was. I honestly never liked the club scene all that much. I only went because they were the type of places to meet and greet young celebrities. It was called socializing and making connections, much like how I had also started to take up golf in my spare time.
To succeed in Hollywood, you need to network and build relationships. And while it could be said that I was already successful, the fact was that I wasn't that well-connected. Right now, my most significant connections were with Warner Bros and New Line, with a few connections to some directors and upcoming stars, but that was it. It was not nearly enough to keep me safe in case of an unexpected backlash or failure. Going clubbing with Jennifer, who was about to make a big splash in the industry, made perfect sense. That and I needed a break away from Tiff and Salma, who couldn't go five seconds without bringing up their pregnancy.
Thankfully, neither of them was showing yet. With the completion of filming on Scream 2, Salma decided to take a break from the industry. So was Tiff, who was currently in between seasons of 90210. With filming on the next season not set to take place until the summer of next year, which was a good thing seeing as after they calmed down, they realized they were fucking two pregnant stars. No, they were two pregnant stars who were carrying children from the same man. It was evident that neither of them nor anyone else who was informed knew how to manage the situation.
This was the type of scandal that people just loved to read about, and while I would most likely come out of it looking good. Tiff and Salma most likely would come out looking like whores or something along those lines. It's not exactly a good image to have. That put them both on edge, and while things have not come to blows yet. There was a lot of sniping at each other with me in the middle.
That was the main reason I was at the club tonight with Jennifer. The year was nearing its end. After some wheeling and dealing on the side of New Line Cinema, Urban Legend would be coming out in late November instead of around Halloween, as Miramax had planned. Selena was also wrapping up and set to be released around the same time as Jennifer's debut album. And, of course, Scream 2 was right on schedule.
Overall, everything was going well; it was time to relax and have fun. I only wish Sean wasn't here. After collaborating further with him on Jennifer's album, I realized that I did not have a favorable impression of him. I didn't like him, just like some other people I met in Hollywood. I could be civil and all that, but you put us in a room together, and you could feel our mutual dislike towards each other. The only reason I was here was again because Jennifer had invited me, not Sean, who was clearly less than happy that I was here.
Happy or not, however, the others who joined us were. People like Usher, Lil' Kim, TLC, Halle Berry, and Dr. Dre were all here for one reason or another. People who were not even friends were here to party with each other, for connections, for chances, or whatnot. That was why they were happy I was here. As the most sought-after writer in Hollywood with deeper connections in the movie business than all of them. They wanted to side up to me in one way or the other. There was, however, only one person I wanted to get to know in this place: the man hanging at the bar.
Dr.Dre is the founder of Aftermath Entertainment and the only man who would be willing to take a chance on an unknown white boy from Missouri. Sadly, I didn't get to talk with him too much tonight, but he proved to be an okay guy. Sadly, I wouldn't get to speak with him more about said white boy because something caught my eye while I danced with Jennifer. Two people were arguing not too far from where Dre was sitting.
I did not know who they were, only that a man and a woman were fighting. Maybe they were a couple or just two people talking, and things got heated. Whichever the case, things were getting really heated till, finally, things exploded when the woman tried to walk away. Only for the man to grab her by the arm, and when she tried to push him off her, he backhanded her across the face. I am unsure why, but when I saw this, I saw red and made my way over.
Grabbing the guy from behind, I turned him to face me. Then, give him a taste of his own medicine and deck him with a right hook. At my punch, the admitting larger man turns and hits the bar before getting back up. Facing me, he tries to hit me back with a left hook, but I dodge with ease and hit him in the stomach, doubling him over. At this point, things really start to escalate as he pulls out a knife from his pocket. The girls in the crowd scream as he takes a swipe at me. The fucker, however, didn't know who he was fucking with.
This wasn't the first time I had someone draw a knife on me, and I have learned how to deal with them. First, I dodge his sloppy attempt at cutting me. The man was so drunk he didn't know what he was doing. He was able to cut me on my left arm, but only because of how crowded the club was. I then rushed him, tackling him into the bar. That was the thing about knife fights. People are so scared of getting cut that they don't realize the only way to deal with a knife is to step in. Accept that you were going to get cut or stabbed, then fuck up the person who was trying to stab you. I grab the arm that is holding the knife and, with my free hand, start to lay into his ribs and face. At the same time, he tries to pull away.
We both fall over and hit the ground hard. For a moment, he gets free enough to try and stab me one last time. I let him, and he stabs me in the side of my stomach where there are no major organs. Now, without a weapon, as it was trapped in my body, I started to lay into him harder. With me on top, I begin to beat his face in. I can hear his nose, jaw, and cheekbone break under my fists. I did not care at all that my hands were getting busted up as I did so. The man passed out under me, but I wasn't about to stop.
The only reason I do is because I feel a couple of people pulling me off him. Looking over my shoulder, I see Dre and Usher pulling me off the guy while Sean watches on with the girls.
"Shit, man, you have been stabbed." I hear Dre exclaim, and he releases me. He then removed his shirt and applied it to the wound, which was bleeding profusely.
That is when the club security finally turns up. It would be about another 10 minutes before the cops arrived and with an ambulance. To take me and the piece of shit who stabbed me to the hospital. Again, I do not care that much about this. For the first time in years, I felt good. I felt relaxed. Like when I was still in Juvey, I felt like…..
I felt like I was finally home.