Let's Go Earn Some Cash

"Damn, my back hurts."

Yuri grumbled as he planted the strange crop called potatoes in the new farmland that Lord Noein had tilled.

According to Noein, it was a "savior crop," but Yuri found it hard to believe that these yellowish-green lumps with squiggly sprouts could produce a food that was "easier to grow, yielded more, and was more nutritious than wheat." Still, he followed the lord's instructions.

Around Yuri, the other four were also working in the fields, sweating profusely.

It had been a little over a week since Yuri and the others had been accepted into this settlement. They, who had always made their living with their strength and swords, were now working with hoes and plows in their hands.

It was the first time Yuri had done farm work in 20 years, since he was a child helping out on his family's farm. Bending over and facing the soil was a different kind of fatigue than running around as a mercenary or a bandit.

"You're doing great. Good work, everyone."

It was their lord, Baron Noein Arkwright, who came over with a grin.

"Easy for you to say, when you're not even getting your clothes dirty."

"It's harsh to say that I'm not working just because I'm not dirty. I'm producing more results than anyone else in this territory."

Indeed, Noein wasn't getting his clothes or hands dirty with soil, he wasn't sweating, and at first glance, it looked as if he was the only one slacking off.

But in reality, he was the one doing the most work in this settlement. The golems he controlled were doing the heaviest work of digging up the soil and turning it into farmland with several times the efficiency of humans, and now they were cutting down trees in the forest with ease, further expanding the flat land.

They understood his overwhelming work ethic, but when he looked down at them with a smirk as they crawled on the ground, covered in dirt, they couldn't help but want to make a sarcastic remark.

"You were clumsy at first, but you're starting to look like a proper farmer now, Yuri."

"Well, it's been 20 years since I last did any farm work. I'm gradually remembering how to do it, but I'm still worse than I was as a kid."

He had been wielding swords and spears ever since he left home. He had almost forgotten how to hold farming tools.

It was the same for Pence and Radley, and Bart and Mai, who had been orphans taken in by the mercenary group, had never even done any farm work in their lives.

They were all probably clumsy enough to make a veteran farmer laugh.

"It's fine to get used to it gradually. I'm happy to see my people grow."

"Is that so... Still, I never thought I'd be back to being a tenant farmer at this age."

He had been prepared to live his life as a mercenary ever since he joined the group, and after becoming a bandit, he had thought he would die somewhere, hunted down before long.

He never thought he would end up working on a nobleman's farm at this age. Life was full of surprises.

As he was thinking this,

"Huh? What are you talking about? You're independent farmers."

Noein said.

"...What? Isn't this Master Noein's farmland, and aren't we working here as tenant farmers for wages?"

"No, no, I only did the initial work of tilling the soil. I've given this farmland to you. If you grow crops here and harvest them, they're yours. You'll have to pay taxes, though."

"Is that okay?"

"Of course. And I don't intend to just leave you as farmers. You're former mercenaries, so I intend to have you work as my direct retainers eventually. You're doing farm work now because we're short on people... But eventually, you'll be working under me, leaving the farm work to tenant farmers and serfs."

"...Oh. I'm grateful."

Yuri replied, dumbfounded. The other four, who had been listening to their conversation, also looked surprised.

They had thought they were being made into tenant farmers, hired by the owner of the farmland to work the fields, but they had been promised positions as landowning retainers.

This was a big deal. As retainers, they would work under the lord and receive a salary, and they would also have income from the land they owned. Moreover, their families and land could be passed down to their children and grandchildren.

It could be said to be an exceptional treatment for someone who had been a mercenary living from hand to mouth. They couldn't help but be happy.

Yuri and the others resumed their farm work with more energy and brighter expressions than before.


"Well, I'm going to go earn our first cash income in the history of the Arkwright territory. Matilda, Mai, I'll leave the settlement to you."

"Please be careful, Master Noein. Have a safe trip."

"Leave the settlement to us."

After exchanging these words with the two women, Noein set off for Letovic with the rest of the men.

Until now, their purpose in going to Letovic had been to buy supplies, but this time, they were also going to "sell what they had obtained in the Arkwright territory."

What they were going to sell this time were monster furs, meat, and magic stones. Only weak monsters that even a single adult farmer could handle appeared in the shallower parts of the Bezel Great Forest, but if you hunted them, you could get furs, make dried meat, and extract magic stones, the crystals of magical power, from their bodies.

These would be a significant source of income for a territory with a population of only seven.

"This should fetch a decent amount, right? Maybe enough to cover our food expenses for a while?"

"The fact that we have Plump Deer fur in addition to Gluttony Rabbit fur is a big deal."

The Plump Deer was a monster that looked like a plump deer, and its fur was popular as a material for coats and other garments for the wealthy.

It was a rare monster in the shallower parts of the forest, but they had been lucky enough to hunt one. It should fetch a good price.

Upon arriving in Letovic after about half a day's journey, they immediately went to convert the furs and dried meat they had brought with them into cash.

"Master Noein, have you decided where to sell them?"

"I've already talked to Eliza about buying the dried meat at her store, so that's no problem. As for the furs and magic stones... I'm thinking of taking them to the 'Miles Trading Company.'"

"Is there a reason why you chose them?"

"Of course. I've researched the main trading companies in Letovic as much as possible, and I also asked Eliza about them in detail before, and among them, the Miles Trading Company seems to be the most trustworthy. I figured there's no risk of being ripped off."

Noein said this as he headed towards the Miles Trading Company building with the others.

Noein was a baron, but he was just a minor noble who owned a forest that was barely a territory. There was a possibility that he would be looked down upon as someone who was desperate for money and that the furs would be bought at a low price.

So, he had brought his four retainers with him to make a good impression and show that "the development is going well and there are prospects for future growth." He had even made them wash themselves with soap in the morning and wear freshly laundered clothes to make them look presentable.

He wanted to do business with a trading company that was smart enough to understand his intentions and think, "Let's build a good relationship with this promising nobleman who is making steady progress with his development while we still can." Given the reputation of the Miles Trading Company, he should be able to rest assured in that regard.

The Miles Trading Company was a large, three-story building. It was undoubtedly one of the largest trading companies in Letovic.

"Excuse me, my name is Baron Noein Arkwright. I would like to request the purchase of monster furs and magic stones that we hunted in our territory."

When Noein entered the store and spoke to a young employee, the employee said, "Please wait a moment," and went to the back.

If the head of the company, the president, came out to greet him here, he could assume that they were interested in building a good relationship with him.

As Noein waited with this in mind, a plump man in his forties with a friendly smile came out.

"Baron Arkwright, welcome to our humble establishment. My name is Benedict Miles, and I am the president of the Miles Trading Company."

As Noein had hoped, the president himself had come out to meet him.