Chapter 4: You black cat!

Stretching his limbs, Adrian slumped lazily on his sage green Japandi couch. His cat, Vermi, leaped onto his stomach, causing him to let out a small "oof" before closing his eyes. He soon dozed off, too tired to even take off his socks.

A few hours later, a scratching sound roused him from his slumber. Adrian's eyes fluttered open, and he yawned, stretching lazily before padding over to the source of the noise. He hated noises, especially when they disturbed his peace.

Looking around, he noticed Vermi wasn't with him. Running his slender fingers through his messy hair, he walked to the front door. Opening it, he saw Vermi scratching the gate. Adrian sighed and padded down the low steps, intending to pick up the mischievous cat. But as soon as he reached for Vermi, the cat jumped out of his arms.

Adrian's patience was wearing thin, but he smiled nonetheless. Yawning lazily, he followed Vermi through the desolate streets, the street lights flickering ominously. The city seemed even more abandoned and eerie in the dim light.

Finally spotting Vermi ahead, Adrian sighed and yawned again. As he walked closer, his ears perked up, and he halted in his steps. A dim teal light shimmered where Vermi was. The cat looked back at Adrian and meowed, almost as if calling him.

Adrian's eyes narrowed. Before he knew it, his feet were moving, running towards Vermi. "Shit, what the hell is that? I gotta get Vermi away from there!" he thought, panic rising in his chest.

As he neared the teal light, he could see it emanating from a small, circular device embedded in the ground. Vermi stood right next to it, seemingly unbothered by its strange glow. Adrian's heart raced as he scooped up the cat, holding him close.

Just as he was about to turn and run back to the manor, the light pulsed, sending a wave of energy through the air. Adrian stumbled, the world around him shifting and warping. The familiar streets of the abandoned city blurred, replaced by a strange, otherworldly landscape.

Adrian held Vermi tightly, trying to make sense of what was happening. The ground beneath his feet felt unstable, like walking on the surface of a dream. The teal light continued to pulse, its rhythm matching the frantic beat of his heart.

"Adrian…" a voice called out, soft and echoing. He turned, seeing a figure materialize from the shifting landscape. It was Elena, her eyes wide with surprise and a hint of fear.

"What did you do?" Adrian demanded, his voice shaking.

"I-I didn't do anything," she stammered. "This isn't supposed to happen. We need to get out of here!"