345 suppression one

Yu Hong took out the enhanced multimeter and pressed the switch.


He first tested himself, placing it close to his temple.

The value on the LCD display suddenly soared, breaking through one hundred and then continuously fluctuating around one hundred and thirty.

'Not bad.'

He put down the multimeter, then explored with his Inner Qi, which tethered it like a rope and threw it towards the nearby Yin Qi Sky Pillar.


The white Inner Qi, like a white rope, quickly threw the multimeter into the gray pillar.

After hovering tensely for a few seconds.

Yu Hong used the Inner Qi to press the record button, then pulled it back.

The multimeter quickly retracted, landing precisely in his palm.

He picked it up and saw.


'As expected...' Yu Hong sighed, this was the value of Spiritual Fluctuation, he then switched to Red Value test mode and repeated the action.

The value displayed on the retrieved multimeter was 0.