Chapter 95: The Survival Way of the Black Blood Gang

Five thousand could snap up a B+ level weapon, what a steal!

But who could bring out its essence?

Some weapons are like collectibles from the Silver Tower, just sitting there, appreciating in value, for instance, the Demon Blade, which is priceless.

While some weapons seem impressive in description, you'd wish you could take a regret pill after buying them.

This Meteor Crossbow was just like that, barely usable by ordinary people.

However, this item was a perfect match for Gao Xin, and he was determined to get it.

But, he didn't have the money...

"I'll take this one, but I'm short on redemption cards right now,"

"Could you let me have it first, and once I sell the blade to your boss, I'll pay you back?"

Gao Xin's proposal took the old man aback.

Normally, he would never agree to this, as cash on delivery was the rule.

But he thought the blade Gao Xin mentioned was the Demon Blade, which could sell for thirty to forty thousand.