Chapter 119 Armless Assassin_2


"Do you remember what he looked like?" Gao Xin pursued.

Silver Hand shook his head. "I couldn't see clearly. His whole body was enveloped in a black robe, and he had a unique aura that made it impossible for me to see his face."

Gao Xin was shocked. "That powerful?"

Yao Junyan also added, "It's really that powerful. Such an aura can disturb one's brainwaves."

"If it weren't for your unique condition, I'm afraid he would have been very unnoticeable to ordinary people, causing them to subconsciously overlook him."

Gao Xin's eyes sharpened. This was a formidable opponent.

He remembered that the [Assassin Aura] was an SR category module that could be exchanged.

Gao Xin solemnly said, "This guy must be strong. If he's from the Revenge Gang, at least the debt has an owner."

"But if he isn't, and he's just a wandering thief, and you don't remember what he looks like, where am I supposed to find him?"

"Isn't there any other characteristic?"