Chapter 125: Going Home

The ominous breeze, bearing blood-stained sand, blew over the pitch-black and barren land, emitting ghastly, sycophantic laughter.

Stone spires that rose from the ground connected the firmament with the earth, beneath which grew yellow thorns and dried, stiff fungal stems, resembling the bones of a giant beast.

This was the fifth layer of the labyrinth.

The monsters living in this area were mostly helpers that Reggie Dragon had picked up from outside the labyrinth.

And legend had it that only the most ferocious beasts could take root in this desolate and savage land.

Over centuries, countless groups of adventurers, both large and small, had reached this barbaric place known as the Blood Arena.

However, those who came here did nothing more than darken the land with their blood, leaving no other trace behind...

The camp of the Crush Skull Tribe.