As the cake that had seemed so securely in their grasp was distributed to others, Zhuangzhuang of Iron Teeth City felt a sudden sense of urgency and hastily spoke up.
"Lord Demon King, I, I..."
Luo Yan turned his gaze toward the little one.
"Do you have something to say?"
Meeting Luo Yan's half-smiling gaze, Zhuangzhuang was about to say that Iron Teeth City could also serve, but noticing Bond's icy stare, he involuntarily shivered.
"No, nothing..." he nervously shook his head, quickly dismissing the impractical thought in his mind and said with an awkward laugh, "Zhuangzhuang just wanted to say... Iron Teeth City is also your loyal servant, should you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask."
Luo Yan gave him a meaningful look.
"If I have that need, I'll let you know."
"Yes—!" Zhuangzhuang, frightened by that look, stood to attention.
With the matter resolved, Luo Yan waved his hand.
"Disperse now."