Mu Rufeng had already retracted the Basic Ghost Domain by this time, and the van's headlights emitted a soft glow that illuminated the road ahead for dozens of meters.
At the same time, he could feel that the chaotic Ghost Power around them was also being blocked by the van.
Sure enough, the van could actually travel on the wilderness.
"Clip-clop, clip-clop~!"
It was at this moment, from behind, came the sound resembling galloping hooves.
Mu Rufeng looked through the rearview mirror but could only see darkness.
"Clip-clop, clip-clop~!"
The sounds grew more hurried and closer.
"Ma Qiu, hand me the Flame Vehicle Card," said Mu Rufeng.
"Master, here it is; get it yourself," replied Ma Qiu, who had no hands and could only present the card where Mu Rufeng could reach it.
Mu Rufeng immediately reached out and took the Flame Vehicle Card, then straightaway slapped it onto the dashboard of the van.
Flames burst into life in an instant.