Who says all landlords have only foolish sons, who says the children of the wealthy must squander their family fortunes.
The fact has proved that wealthy families provide their children with elite education; education may fail, but as long as the child is willing to learn, or the parents can force them to learn, then the children of these wealthy families are sure to have resources beyond the imagination of ordinary people.
Happy education?
That doesn't exist.
Even someone as wealthy as Harold knows to have his son learn a foreign language from a young age – an in-depth study that encompasses both culture and language.
Another interesting thing is that Harold learned English and so did his wife.
But Harold had his son learn Chinese, with English as a minor.
Then Mu Tianwen learned Chinese to a level that made Gao Yi feel ashamed. Let alone the fact that Mu Tianwen could use several idioms correctly in a single sentence, something Gao Yi really couldn't manage.