Gao Yi was somewhat reluctant to leave, not because he was unwilling to forego the rare opportunity to demonstrate his prowess, but because he hated to part with such a formidable opponent as the bald man.
Truly, since achieving mastery in Martial Arts, Gao Yi had never met anyone who could withstand even three of his moves.
Was it really all going to be over after just a single demonstration, just one bout?
He knew Marina was decisive, but did she have to be this decisive?
"Do none of you want to learn a few moves?"
In desperation, Gao Yi finally blurted out the sentence he had been trying to avoid at all costs.
If Marina wanted him to teach Kung Fu, he would simply refuse or evade the question. But now, having encountered a rare sparring partner, Gao Yi had no choice but to play this card to try and keep the bald man who had stirred his excitement.
Having played his trump card, Marina, who was already turning to leave, immediately stopped in her tracks.