"Sometimes you find a plan to be particularly simple, and it might not mean that the task itself is easy. It could also mean that you're being excluded from the bigger picture."
Gao Yi didn't like this feeling.
Throughout his career, despite the fact that the plans he crafted were dead simple, even crude, Gao Yi was always the one who created the plans, the initiator of the actions.
Now working for the French External Security Bureau, he'd become a mere executor of a simple plan.
Gao Yi was beginning to understand why Luca would always become anxious about his plans.
It was one thing to carry out this unreliable-looking plan as someone else, but to be a part of it himself was frightening.
Deliberately jumping into a trap while knowing it's a trap suggests that either Sowa and his team had already decided on a course of action, keeping Gao Yi in the dark, which would put him in grave danger,