0047 Strikes upward to the azure sky and downward sweeps across the green waters (2 updates)

"Swallow Return Fist is the basic fist technique of the Swallow Form school. Swallows are adept at flying; they soar high into the azure skies and skim low over the clear waters, their evasive twists and turns are remarkably agile.

The mnemonic chant goes: Flip and skim the water, support the kidneys and strengthen the waist, dodge and flash the wings, lower the heart to nourish the brain; bore to the heavens to observe the summit, skim the water to watch the feet, draw from the kidney essence, Swallow Form reigns supreme.

Whether it is the common Martial Arts 'Swallow Return Fist' or the True Skill level Swallow Form Fist, mastering the above four key principles means you have grasped the essence of this fist technique."

First learn the theory when learning to box. Lu Chenzhou listened attentively, not missing a single detail. Ji Xuantong, teaching his signature skills, was as comfortable and fluent as if it were second nature to him.