Cash: 12.8 million, Great Merit: 1400.
Lu Chenzhou had never been this wealthy.
It was not in vain he fought so hard that night; such emergency missions could, to a certain extent, be considered "benefit missions" that were hard to come by. Most of the time, the military would handle Virtual Disasters on their own without the need for students from top Martial Universities to step in.
Of course, for Lu Chenzhou, such events were a boon.
But for the common people of Su City, they were a disaster.
He did not wish for a second occurrence in his heart.
Once his strength was enough, he could hunt Void Things in the Void Realm.
"Keep the cash saved; as for the Great Merit, I spend about 50 Great Merit a month on classes and purchasing Medicine, which is enough to last me over two years."
It was a pity that while cash could buy Great Merit, Great Merit could not be exchanged for cash.