253 Scapegoat

Over the following several days, Lu Ran had been practicing at home, preparing for his advancement.

Jiang Ruyi didn't come to visit either. It would seem she was worried about disturbing Lu Ran.

Their text exchanges were relatively frequent, and they would always chat for a bit before going to sleep each night.

Jiang Ruyi, as ever, was cold in her messages.

She seemed to have a talent for killing the conversation.

So annoying~

There were a few moments when Lu Ran wanted to get dressed, go out, and head straight to Shui Yi Fang Residential Area to drag her out of her house to see what was going on!

In the end, Lu Ran came to a conclusion: it was still not enough personal contact.

Little Ruyi, you just wait...

Wait for the fifteenth day!

Lu Ran's plotting didn't succeed because, on the fourteenth day of the lunar calendar, Jiang Ruyi actually paid a visit.

It was early in the morning when Lu Ran heard the knocking, still somewhat puzzled.