The carriage left the Divine Dragon Temple, moving against the stream of people, and returned to the Zhao family before noon.
The cook was greatly surprised and hurried to add more dishes. Fortunately, the Zhao Douan of today was different from before; even if the meals took longer to prepare, he would not lash out with beatings or scoldings.
At the dining table, the ladies of the house transformed into curious babies, asking about Zhao Douan's experiences at the Xiuwen Pavilion.
Out of helplessness, he carefully selected some stories that he could share... Of course, it was also to satisfy the need to brag, successfully reaping adoration from both mother and daughter.
But... in the end, the most important person was still missing...
After the meal, Zhao Douan climbed onto the roof and looked towards the direction of the Imperial Palace, wondering when Your Majesty would finish her retreat.
Sadly, this time he probably wouldn't have the chance to report in person.