195, please step into the urn yourself

Her oval face, and eyebrows arched like silkworms gave Yuan Fei, who did not move, a sullen appearance.

A pair of dull eyes, reflecting in the mirror before her, watched a handmaiden who entered and shrank back with a restrained demeanor, and suddenly she said,

"Does this palace really frighten you that much?"

The handmaiden, startled, nearly fell to her knees, but simply bowed her head,

"Your Highness, forgive me..."

Seeing the other's response, Yuan Fei's face showed self-mockery, while her eyes filled with even more sadness.

In the harem, everyone knew Yuan Fei had a nasty temper, often yelling and hitting her servants.

There had been more than one maidservant in her palace beaten to death.

As a result, very few servants were willing to work in Yuan Fei's palace, and those who remained had developed a fearful and timid temperament.