225, Message from the palace

This night, the number of guests at the Teaching Bureau in the Capital surged. The officials, made jumpy by the "assassination declaration" and unable to sleep peacefully for several days, felt overjoyed and organized retaliatory gatherings.

Zhao Douan's reputation, through this event, experienced some degree of recovery.

Amid the noisy crowd, Wu Ling, a rising young actor at the Eight Directions Theater and a member of the Kuangfu Society in the Capital, quietly got up and left.

He walked through the bustling streets under the night lamps, did not return to the theater, but instead arrived at another tavern and sat down.

He ordered a pot of wine and a plate of salt-boiled peanuts.

Slowly eating and drinking.

Finally, at the table behind him, another guest sat down, the two sitting back-to-back, seemingly strangers.

Yet they engaged in a quiet conversation using the Sound Transmission Skill.

"Did the New Leader really get caught?" Wu Ling asked softly, his face darkened.