Section 10: A Desperate Search for Answers

Chen Li didn't dare return to his apartment that night. Instead, he wandered the empty streets, his mind racing with questions. What was that thing? Why had it come for him? And most importantly, how could he stop it?

The old man's warning echoed in his mind—it's real, and it's coming for you. But burning the painting hadn't stopped it. If anything, it had made things worse. The figure was no longer trapped in the canvas. It was free.

He needed answers, and he needed them fast. But where could he go? Who could he talk to about something like this? It wasn't exactly the kind of problem you could bring up with a friend or a therapist.

After hours of wandering aimlessly, Chen Li finally came to a decision. He would find the old man who had warned him. The man had known about the figure, had seen it before. If anyone could help him, it was him.

The problem was, Chen Li had no idea where to find the old man. He had appeared at his apartment out of nowhere, delivered his cryptic warning, and vanished just as mysteriously. But Chen Li was determined. He had no other choice.

The next morning, Chen Li began his search. He asked around the neighborhood, describing the old man to anyone who would listen. Most people shook their heads, saying they had never seen anyone like that. Some gave him strange looks, clearly thinking he was mad.

But Chen Li didn't care. He had to find the old man, no matter what.

Days passed, and still, there was no sign of him. The more time that went by, the more desperate Chen Li became. He hardly slept, his dreams filled with images of the forest and the figure that now haunted him both day and night.

The nightmares were getting worse. Each time, the figure came closer, its hollow eyes boring into his soul. And each time, Chen Li woke with a start, the oppressive presence lingering in the darkness of his room.