The "Fortune's Smile" Bar

Somewhere in Deltatron. In front of the entrance to the "Fortune's Smile" bar.

— So, we're acting according to plan. Any questions? — Arazlo asked calmly.

— None at all! — everyone replied.

Reiyza entered first. She went straight to the bartender and sat on a barstool.

— Whiskey, please!

— Right away! — the bartender replied.

Reiyza looked around. The bar was almost empty. Only a couple of patrons sat at the far tables. The bartender served a glass of whiskey, and Reiyza drank it in one gulp.

Her vision began to double, her head spun. She looked around again. Now those couple of patrons seemed like a crowd to her. Reiyza tilted her head and pressed her hand to her forehead.

Next to the bar counter was a door with the inscription "Toilet". Gerda came out of it, having washed her hair. Reiyza noticed her and called out. Gerda approached and sat on a barstool. A moment of silence followed, which was interrupted by Gerda's stomach rumbling. Reiyza hiccuped and offered the girl a drink and a snack. Gerda nodded, and Reiyza ordered more whiskey and snacks.

— Let's be friends? — Reiyza asked, holding a glass in her hand.

— Okay! — Gerda took the glass and clinked it with Reiyza's.

— Have you heard the saying: "And we shall ascend to Heaven, and the Horizons shall submit to us"? — Gerda asked, holding the glass in her hands.

— Nope, what kind of saying is that? — Reiyza replied.

— It's my grandfather's. He used to say: "And we shall ascend to Heaven, and the Horizons shall submit to us. Someday you too will conquer these horizons!".

— I get it.

At that moment, El entered the bar. She approached Gerda and Reiyza.

— Oh, Elka, how are you doing? What are you doing here? — Reiyza asked, already quite drunk.

El smiled slightly, grabbed Reiyza's hand, and threw her forcefully towards the door.

— Hey, what are you doing to my friend?!

El, who was in her third personality, only glanced at Gerda. At that same moment, Gerda disappeared from the barstool and appeared in front of El. She delivered a powerful blow directly to the girl's chest. El blocked the blow. The blow was incredibly strong, a shockwave passed through the bar. All the bottles, glasses, and other objects shattered.