Chapter 177: Peach Immortal Acquires a Name, Time Arrives at Absolute Immortal Sea Islands

Yunhua Valley, where Immortal Peaches blossomed in abundance.

No sooner had the Peach Blossom spirit emerged from the tree than Tao Qian was momentarily stunned.

To witness a transformation from a naturally alluring, naked Peach Blossom spirit, into a benign and kindly old man with a bald head and large ears, was indeed enough to bewilder anyone.

Even though this elderly figure was also a creation of Tao Qian using the "Thunder Birth Technique," whether the magic was successful and the Immortal Peach had grown still needed verification.

With a flash, Tao Qian blinked into existence inside the valley.

His eyes fixed on the old man, his high spiritual vision still active, Tao Qian thought he might see some horrifying sight once again.