The thing he had obtained unintentionally, that lay at the bottom of his chest, turned out to have such great use.
Wang Sheng, fearing he had made a mistake, made another trip to the City Lord Mansion, but this time he didn't go to the Cultivation Technique Tower but to the library instead.
As expected, although there were no Martial Arts Secret Manuals in the library, there were a few miscellaneous talks that were still considered not bad.
In terms of value, they were far less than that manual on the study of the universe, but they still had some decent reference value.
Thinking of these, Wang Sheng organized the things he had gained.
He sorted out everything he thought was valuable and spent some time copying them.
There were a total of five books, one of which was a secret technique obtained in the secret chamber of the City Lord Mansion, and the other four were miscellaneous talks, much like the books on the study of the universe.