Chapter 203: The Troubles Brought by Breakthrough

Before leaving Qingshan Village, the progress of the "Lifeless Vacuum Sensing Chapter" was at level five.

But within less than a month after coming out, the progress reached level nine, and it was about to Breakthrough.

Even Wang Sheng had not expected such a speed of improvement.

"Indeed, prolonged solitary study won't do," he realized somewhat.

The reason he could improve so quickly was partly because the "Lifeless Vacuum Sensing Chapter" had not yet had a Breakthrough, but more importantly, it was due to his philosophical discussions with Qiao Nian.

Additionally, these days he had been focusing on this chapter of the scripture, so he was on the verge of a Breakthrough.

A five percent progress; based on his current rate of improvement, he could reach one hundred percent in just one week.

"A week's time, huh, just about enough time to reach the next city!"