Chapter 64: Magic Stones

A gigantic ball of water shot out of the whirlpool. Just before it shot into the sky, it seemed to be blocked by a transparent space shield.

Ripples spread across the space as the ball of water spun in place, just two meters above the water.

The ball of water surprisingly seemed to be in the process of freezing. Sometimes, the water would freeze completely before melting out again in the blink of an eye.

Inside this huge ball of water, probably more than thirty meters in diameter, Priya and the others could make out the figures of a giant snake, along with the smaller shadows of two humanoids.

The shadows moved too fast within the water for anyone to make sense of what was happening.

A purple ring of electricity began to form and surround the ball of water. The figures within the water globe, even the snake, stopped their movement immediately.


The water globe exploded, throwing away the inhabitants as far away as possible.