Chapter 109: Sky Dive

The sounds of glass shattering continuously rang out from nowhere in particular.

There was no visible scene of anything being broken, yet there were shattering sounds.

An unstable portal appeared in the sky above the mountain, the edges of the portal were cracked and looked like broken mirrors. It looked as if the sky was breaking into small fragments.

A giant bird shot out of the portal with a clear cry of pain resounding from its long neck.

On the bird's back was a large lioness who dug her claws into the back of the bird, drawing blood and pulling out feathers.

Katari made sure that her claws were dug firmly into the back of this large crane. She too had bloody wounds on her body caused by the crane's talons.

A fierce battle had happened inside the separate dimension in between the portals.

"Stupid lioness, get off me?" Isaiah shouted as turned in the air, flapping his wings rapidly to shake Katari off.