
In train station the commander was speaking to a long black haired young man as if he was the leader of Korea

"Sir there was an exceptionally strong monster that seems to be on the humans side"He told the young man

"And what makes you say he is ^strong^" the young man asked

"He manhandled a dragon" The commander replied simply

"So what that just means the idiot put all his stats into strength, I can take down a dragon with just as much ease" The young man stated arrogantly

"But he is the only one other then you that can do so…of everyone we have seen"The commander said

"Its a bit of a loss but he could have divided our faction, even when he would lose i know people would probably follow him to the grave" The young leader said

"Thank you for enlightening me my lord" the commander said with a deep bow


Agma had just used the taunt skill on 7 wyverns and they started diving towards him

"Give me a fight I can enjoy!" Agma yelled

He raised his fists into a boxing stance and prepared for the onslaught

He sped up his blood flow and jumped toward the closest wyvern

*schick* as if running right by he went to the next wyvern

But in that split second he threw an overhand with the newly acquired gauntlets that tore open its side and he started to absorb their blood

This pulled the wyvern towards him while he was running at another diving wyvern

*Boom* he ran past the second wyvern causing the first to slam into them

Looking at the smallest wyvern he sidestepped it's five the three and uppercut towards its neck as it passed by

It crushed its windpipe and it bled profusely

The remaining four landed on the ground for better control of their body, learning from their kin's mistakes

Then Agma backed off and tan towards the first two wyverns that were still recovering from running head first into eachother…well the second was

The first already has most of its blood drained and it layed out across the ground, not having the strength to move

Taking advantage of the wyvern still not being recovered Agma tore open it's side with the gauntlets and started to absorb its blood as well

'Hey I might as well use this extra blood' Agma thought as he waited for the wyverns to attack

Once one reached within 10 feet Agma reacted

Blood coalesced into a cone right below the wyvern and shot up 10 feet into the sky

"Pillar of Hell!" He yelled too engrossed in the battle to realize how cringe of a name it was

This left only 3 wyverns that could fight but they were not charging recklessly like the others

'Why the hell are they-' While Agma was engrossed in his thoughts they moved and encircled him

They took advantage of his short reprieve to try and guarantee at least taking him down with them

Each of them dashed forward aiming to bit a par of his body


They hit simultaneously, as if one being, each tooth left an inch long entry wound