Seventy six


"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked him.

"That was the content of the suicide note." he replied.

"Okay, thank you for this information. Keep an eye on things." I instructed him.

"of course sir."

I ended the call and went back to driving.

Dr Reagan had told us everything yesterday. Why had he suddenly committed suicide and why had he admitted to doing it.

It was clear, Xela Light had something to do with this but who was this person and why was he doing this.

I parked in the garage of my building and went inside the house.

I called Lily.

"You just left and you are calling me already. Did you miss me that much?" she asked in a teasing voice.

"Lily, something has happened." I replied in a serious tone.

"What happened?"

"Dr Reagan committed suicide and admitted to killing Samantha in his suicide note."

"But he didn't do it, he told us how she disappeared yesterday."