Chapter 45 Thirst for Blood Syndrome

Wei Tianyang paced back and forth in his room, turning the dark wooden floorboards a pale yellow in patches.

At the moment, his heart felt as if it was being seared by fire.

His throat was parchingly dry, and no amount of water seemed to help.

At first, he thought he drank too much coffee.

After all, Kacha had told him that, although coffee had diuretic and stimulating effects, excessive consumption could lead to dehydration and palpitations, as well as addiction to caffeine.

However, he quickly dismissed that theory.

Because he did not have heart palpitations, nor did he need to urinate.

Damn it, it was a kind of craving—a yearning for some primeval act.

Before, he had felt this way in Qiayang City, after his first injection of Black Medicine… Wei Tianyang would occasionally experience this sensation.

At that time, the feeling had not been strong.

But now, it came more fiercely, cutting straight to his heart, affecting his emotions.

What exactly was that longing...